

单词 shut
释义 shut¹ /ʃʌt/(shuts,shutting,shut)
🄰 vt.
1.+ door, gate, window关;闭

Make sure you shut the gate after you.出去时记得关门。

2.+ eyes, mouth闭上;合上

Lucy shut her eyes so she wouldn't see it happen.露西闭上眼睛, 这样就不会看到它发生了。

He opened and shut his mouth, unspeaking.他张开嘴, 又合上了, 什么也没说。

3.+ shop, bar, library, museum使暂停营业;使打烊

They decided to shut the library at 6 o'clock.他们决定在6点关闭图书馆。

🄱 vi.
1.door, gate, window +关上;闭上

The door shut gently.门轻轻地关上了。

2.eyes, mouth +闭上;合上
3.shop, bar, library, museum +暂停营业;打烊

Shops usually shut from noon till 3pm, and stay open late.商店通常中午到下午3点关门, 然后营业到很晚。

What time do the shops shut?这些商店什么时候打烊?

4.to shut the door on sth
(not think about)拒不考虑某事

She tried to shut the door on what was happening in her life.她试图不去想生活中发生的事情。

(make impossible)堵死某事物的门路;使某事物不可能

The injury had shut the door on his chances of becoming a professional runner.这次受伤使他失去了成为职业赛跑运动员的机会。

5.to shut your eyes to sth忽视某事物;对某事物熟视无睹;拒绝面对某事物

She was shutting her eyes to reality, just as she had done after Matthew died.她拒绝面对现实, 和当年马修死后她的反应完全一样。

6.shut your mouth!orshut your face!<非正式,粗>闭嘴!
Phrasal Verbsshut away,shut down,shut in,shut off,shut out,shut to,shut up
shut² /ʃʌt/ adj.
1.+ door, window关上的;关闭的;拴好的;闩住的

They have warned residents to stay inside and keep their doors and windows shut.他们已发出警告, 让居民待在室内并关好门窗。

2.+ eyes, mouth, lips闭上的;合上的

His eyes were shut and he seemed to have fallen asleep.他眼睛闭着, 看起来已经睡熟了。

3.+ shop停业的;歇业的

Make sure you have food to tide you over when the local shop may be shut.一定要存些食物, 以备当地商店歇业后的不时之需。

4.to get shut of sth<俚>摆脱…;处理…;解决…

I'm going to get shut of some of these books.这堆书我要处理掉一些。

5.to keep your mouth shut缄口不语

If she had kept her mouth shut she would still have her job now.她当时要是管好自己的嘴巴, 现在就不会丢掉工作。

shut³ /ʃʌt/ n.
1.(act of shutting)关;关闭
2.(time of shutting)关闭时间;停止营业的时间




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