

单词 shoulder
释义 shoulder¹ /ˈʃəʊldə/ n.
1.【解剖】+of person肩;肩膀;肩胛

She had her arm round his shoulder.她用一只 胳膊搂 着他的肩膀。

He had his bag over his shoulder.他把包挎在肩上。

He carried the little boy on his shoulders.他肩上扛着那个小男孩。

to have sth on your shouldersorto carry sth on your shoulders承担某事物;担负某事物;扛起某事物

He has a heavy burden on his shoulders.他肩上的担子很重。

responsibility +由某人承担
2.=shoulder joint
3.+of garment肩部
4.【宰杀】(cut of meat)前腿连肩肉;前胛肉

a shoulder of lamb小羊的前腿连肩肉

5.+of road路肩
7.+of hide前肩革
8.+of hill, crag, dune肩状物;肩状部
11.【珠宝】+of ring肩(戒指上连接指环和镶托的部分)
to give sb the cold shoulder<非正式>冷落某人;怠慢某人

I don't know what's going on; he's giving me the cold shoulder.我不知道怎么回事。他对我不理不睬的。

to look over your shoulder惴惴不安;小心提防
to put your shoulder to the wheel<非正式>全力以赴;甩开膀子大干

We've got a major challenge ahead of us and I want everybody to put their shoulder to the wheel.我们现在面临巨大的挑战, 我希望大家全力以赴。

to rub shoulders with sbSeerub²
a shoulder to cry on倾诉的对象

Roland sometimes saw me as a shoulder to cry on.罗兰有时把我当成倾诉的对象。

shoulder to shoulder

They could fight shoulder to shoulder against a common enemy.他们可以齐心协力对抗共同的敌人。


They walked shoulder to shoulder.他们并肩而行。

to stand head and shoulders above sb/sthorto be head and shoulders above sb/sth远远超过某人/某物;远好于某人/某物

I am very impressed by your magazine. It is head and shoulders above any other.贵刊给我留下深刻的印象, 其他杂志无法比肩。

She stands head and shoulders above him.她比他优秀得多。

shoulder² /ˈʃəʊldə/ comp.
+ injury, pain肩膀的;肩部的;+ massage在肩部的;作用于肩膀的
at shoulder height齐肩高
shoulder³ /ˈʃəʊldə/
🄰 vt.
1.(take)+ responsibility, blame承担;担负

I wanted someone else to shoulder the responsibility.我希望其他人来担起这个责任。

2.+ bag, load背;扛

The rest of the group shouldered their bags and set off.组里其余的人背着包出发了。

to shoulder your way推挤着前行

He shouldered his way into the house.他挤着进入了房子。

🄱 vi.
to shoulder arms【军】枪上肩
Phrasal Verbsshoulder aside,shoulder past




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