单词 | shot |
释义 | shot¹ shoot¹的过去式和过去分词 shot² 1.(act of firing)射击;射箭;开枪;开炮 He had murdered Peter at point blank range with a single shot.他近距离一枪射杀了皮特。 to fire a shot at sb/sth向某人/某物开火 2.(sound)射击声;发射声 I heard a shot.我听见一声枪响。 3.(in cartridge)(统称)铅砂弹 4.(distance)射程;射距 5.(person)射手 She's a good shot.她是个神枪手。 6.【体】(in football)射门 (in basketball)投篮 (in tennis)击球 a shot at goal射门得分 He had only one shot at goal.他仅有一次射门得分。 7.<非正式>(attempt)尝试;努力 8.<非正式>(guess)猜测;推测 9.【药】(injection)(疫苗、麻醉剂等的)一次注射, 一针 He administered a shot of Nembutal.他给人打了一针宁比泰。 10.【摄】(photograph)一张相片 a shot of Edinburgh Castle一张爱丁堡城堡的相片 11.【电影】(series of frames)一组镜头 12.【电影】(length of film)连续镜头;一段影片 13.【航天】(火箭、导弹等的)发射 14.+of spirits(尤指烈性酒的)一口, 一小杯 a shot of vodka一小杯伏特加 15.【田径】铅球 16.【矿】(for blasting)(一次爆破所用的)炸药 17.【冶】(metal in pellets)弹丸;粒;小球 18.【冶】(globules)(铸件中比其他部分坚硬的)小金属球体 19.【测量】<英>节链(长度单位, 合75英尺)<美>节链(长度单位, 合90英尺) 20.by a long shot<美>(用于强调)无论如何, 绝对 The arms race isn't over by a long shot.军备竞赛远远没有结束。 21.to call the shots做决定;发号施令 22.to give sth your best shot<非正式>尽最大努力做好某事 23.to have a shot at doing sth尝试做某事 24.to have a shot at sb<澳>嘲弄某人;激怒某人 25.like a shot<非正式>立刻;飞快地;毫不迟疑地 She was off like a shot.她飞快地离开了。 He accepted like a shot.他立刻接受了。 26.a long shot不太可能成功的尝试 The deal was a long shot, but Bagley had little to lose.这桩交易有些冒险, 不过巴格利也没什么可损失的。 27.a shot across the bow示警;警告 28.a shot at sth尝试某事物 29.a shot in the arm<非正式>兴奋剂;激励;刺激因素 His arrival was a shot in the arm for the company.他的到来给这个公司打了一剂强心剂。 30.a shot in the dark胡乱猜测 31.that's the shot<澳,非正式>这就对了 See alsobig shot shot³ (missile)实心弹;弹丸 shot⁴ 1.to get shot of sb/sthorto be shot of sb/sth<非正式>(be rid of)摆脱某人/某物 We were glad to get shot of that old car.我们很高兴终于把那辆旧车处理掉了。 2.to be shot with sth (be streaked with)间杂某颜色 Her eyes were very dark and yet seemed to be shot with hidden colours.她的眼睛黑亮, 不过似乎也夹杂着其他不易发现的颜色。 3.【纺】织成杂色的;色彩变幻的;斑斓的 4.<非正式>(finished)耗尽的;完蛋的 She admits her confidence is totally shot.她承认自己已经完全没有自信了。 5.shot through with sth充满某事物的 This is an argument shot through with inconsistency.这是个充满矛盾的论证。 shot⁵ |
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