

单词 shell
释义 shell¹ /ʃel/ n.
1.+of egg(尤指鸟类的)蛋壳

Once the eggs have hatched the shells are left behind.蛋孵化后, 蛋壳就被丢弃了。

beads made from ostrich egg shell鸵鸟蛋壳串成的项链

2.+of shellfish贝壳;+of snail

I collect shells and interesting seaside items.我收集贝壳和海边有趣的小玩意儿。

sea shells海贝壳

3.+of tortoise龟壳;+of crab蟹壳;+of lobster虾壳

They began to emerge like tortoises from their shells.他们开始现身, 像乌龟从壳里出来一样。

The beach was littered with broken crab shells.海滩上到处都是碎螃蟹壳。

We ate lobster served in its shell.我们吃了带壳的龙虾。

4.+of nut壳;核壳;果壳

They cracked the nuts and removed their shells.他们弄碎坚果, 剥掉外壳。


Some of the shells exploded near a hospital.有些炮弹在医院附近爆炸了。

6.【体】(racing boat)(狭长而轻的)赛艇

The races are in six-oared shells.比赛用的是6桨赛艇。

7.+of building(尤指未完工或被火烧空的)骨架, 框架

the shells of burned buildings大楼被烧毁后的框架

8.+of machine, vehicle外罩;机壳

The solid feel of the car's shell is impressive.这辆汽车的外壳给人的感觉异常坚固。

9.【物】(class of electron orbits)(原子)壳(层)
10.【物】(energy state)(壳层模型中的)核子能态
11.+of pie, flan

Remove the baked pie shell from the baking tin.把烤好的馅饼皮从烤模上取出来。

12.【建】(shell-like roof)薄壳
13.(class, form)(某些学校的)班级, 年级
to bring sb out of their shell使某人不再羞怯内向

You've probably helped to bring him out of his shell a bit.你或许已经帮助他从自我封闭的世界里迈出了一小步。

to come out of your shell不再羞怯内向;开始活跃起来

Her normally shy son had come out of his shell.她平时很害羞的儿子开始愿意与人交往了。

to emerge from your shell<文>变得不再羞怯内向

a lonely boy struggling to emerge from his shell一个试图走出自我封闭的孤独男孩

to retreat into your shellorto withdraw into your shell躲进自己的封闭世界;变得羞怯内向

If I feel that someone's hurt me I retreat into my shell, like a snail drawing inward.如果我觉得有人伤害了我, 我会躲进自己的世界, 就像蜗牛缩进自己的壳里一样。

shell² /ʃel/ comp.

shell casing弹壳

a shell fragment/hole/crater一个弹片/ 弹孔/ 弹坑

shell³ /ʃel/
🄰 vt.
1.+ prawn, crab, nuts, peas剥…的壳;去…的壳;给…去皮

They shelled the prawns that morning.他们那天上午剥虾壳。

She shelled and ate a few nuts.她剥了几颗坚果吃。

Can you help me shell these peas?你能帮我剥这些豌豆吗?

2.+ corn, grain给…脱粒

They were shelling corn to make tortillas.他们在给玉米脱粒, 做玉米饼。


They continued to shell towns on the northern coast.他们继续炮击了北海岸一带的城镇。

🄱 vi.
grain, seed +脱壳;脱粒
Phrasal Verbshell out




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