

单词 sheet
释义 sheet¹ /ʃiːt/ n.
1.【纺】(on bed)床单;被单

Once a week, a maid changes the sheets.女仆每周换一次床单。

the luxury of silk sheets丝绸床单的奢华

2.+of paper一页;一张;+of glass, metal一片;一块

a sheet of newspaper一张报纸

a blank sheet of paper一张白纸

Overhead, cranes were lifting giant sheets of steel.头顶上起重机正吊起一块块巨大的钢板。

a cracked sheet of glass一片碎玻璃

3.+of ice, rain, flame, dust一大片

a blue-grey sheet of dust一层蓝灰色的尘土

The streets were now in one fierce sheet of flame.街道上现在是一片火海。

Sheets of rain slanted across the road.倾盆大雨斜着落在路上。

Be careful, the pavement's like a sheet of ice.当心, 人行道路面就像一大片冰。


an assortment of scandal sheets刊登流言蜚语的各色小报

5.【印】(for a book)(供折页、装订成书的)印张
6.【集邮】+of stamps整版邮票
7.【地质】+of rock岩席;矿席;矿层
8.【海】(line, rope)(控制船帆、系帆用的)帆脚索, 缭绳
sheet² /ʃiːt/ comp.
薄板的, 薄片的(通常为长方形)

sheet iron薄铁板;铁皮

sheet³ /ʃiːt/ vt.
(cover, wrap)(用床单、布)盖上, 覆盖, 包裹

The horses' flanks were sheeted with blood and sweat.马的两肋遍布着血迹和汗水。

The bed was sheeted in purple silk.床上铺着紫色丝绸床单。

Phrasal Verbsheet down




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