

单词 backward
释义 backward¹ /ˈbækwəd/ adj.
1.+ movement, glance向后的

Without a word or a backward glance, he walked away.他一言不发, 也不向后看一眼, 就走开了。

This has the effect of suppressing the backward movement of the wheel.这有抑制轮子向后转的作用。

backward and forward movement来回移动

Use small circular movements on all sides of the teeth and backward and forward movements across the tops.在牙面四周转小圈, 在牙冠处则前后移动。

2.(retrograde)+ measure倒退的;退步的
a backward step倒退

Many dentists will no longer treat National Health Service patients, which is a big backward step in this country.很多牙医将不再诊治国民医疗保健系统内的患者, 这是该国的一大倒退。

3.(undeveloped)+ country, society, economy落后的;不发达的

It's a very backward country, with little technology.这是个非常落后的国家, 没有什么技术。

The UK is rather backward in respect of e-banking.英国在电子银行业务方面很不发达。

4.<过时或冒犯>+ child迟钝的;发育迟缓的

teaching techniques to help backward children帮助发育迟缓儿童的教学技巧

I was slow to walk and talk and my parents thought I was backward.我走路说话晚, 父母以为我迟钝。

to be backward in doing sth怯于做某事

He is not backward in sharing his opinions on the subject.他在说出自己关于这个问题的意见时并不迟疑。

You have no need to be backward in making your wishes known.说出自己的愿望吧, 不用不好意思。

6.(in chess)+ pawn落后的
7.not backward in coming forward不迟疑的;坚定的

Dr Sale was never backward in coming forward and always spoke his mind with energy.塞尔博士从不迟疑, 总是有力地表达自己的想法。

They are not backward in coming forward to claim their rights.在主张自己的权利方面, 他们很坚定。

backward² /ˈbækwəd/ adv.




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