

单词 sharp
释义 sharp¹ /ʃɑːp/ adj.
1.(good for cutting)+ razor, knife, edge, scissors, blade锋利的
a sharp metal blade锋利的金属刀片
2.(pointed)+ pencil, needle, point, boot尖的;尖头的;+ nose, chin尖的;有尖角的

I sat down with my textbooks and a nice sharp pencil.我拿着课本和一支好用的尖头铅笔坐下来。

His nose was thin and sharp.他的鼻子又细又尖。

3.(abrupt)+ turn, bend突然的;急的;+ rise, fall, decline, increase急剧的
(intense)+ pain, sensation强烈的;剧烈的

Careful, this is a sharp bend.小心, 这是一个急转弯。

There's been a sharp rise in the rate of inflation.通货膨胀率已大幅上升。

He felt a sharp pain in his thigh.他感觉大腿一阵剧痛。

4.+ reflex, movement快的;迅速的;敏捷的

He has sharp reflexes.他反应很快。

5.(clearly defined)+ outline, image明显的;清楚的;分明的;+ features+ contrast, distinction鲜明的;明显的;+ tone, sound清晰的

The pictures were so sharp that you could see every detail.这些照片非常清晰, 可以看清楚每一处细节。

her pretty, sharp features她漂亮、五官分明的外貌

We heard a voice sing out in a clear, sharp tone.我们听到了一阵清脆嘹亮的歌声。


Gates is known to be a superb analyst with a sharp eye and an excellent memory.众所周知, 盖茨是杰出的分析家, 他目光敏锐且记忆力超群。

She's very sharp.她非常机敏。


a sharp operator不择手段的操纵者

8.(harsh)+ reprimand, criticism, tone尖刻的;严厉的;尖锐的

That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.那项判决已遭到民权组织的严厉批评。

her sharp words她尖刻的话语

to be sharp with sb对某人很严厉
9.(high-pitched)+ cry尖锐的;尖声的

With a sharp cry of horror, she drew back violently.她发出一声恐怖的尖叫, 向后猛退。

10.(bitter)+ taste, smell强烈的;苦的;冲的

a colourless, almost odourless liquid with a sharp, sweetish taste一种几乎无气味的无色液体, 尝起来微甜, 味道很冲

In the hot sun the rain-washed herbs smelled sharp and spicy and sweet all at once.烈日下, 被雨水浇淋过的香草闻起来味道浓郁、香气扑鼻。

11.+ wind凛冽的;+ cold, frost严寒的;刺骨的

The wind was not as sharp and cruel as it had been.风不像之前那么凛冽和猛烈了。

12.【音】(semitone higher)升半音的

B sharp升B调

13.【音】(out of tune)+ note, voice, singing偏高跑调的

The violin sounds a bit sharp.小提琴的声调听来有些偏高。

14.<非正式>(smart)+ suit, dresser时髦的;漂亮的

He is a sharp dresser.他衣着入时。

at the sharp end<英>处于最坏的情况;处于最困难的部分

Working at the sharp end, many of us have noted an increase in the number of patients attending surgeries.工作在一线, 我们很多人已经注意到来接受手术的病人越来越多。

sharp² /ʃɑːp/ adv.
1.(abruptly)turn +突然地;急速地;快速地

Turn sharp left.向左急转弯。

at two o'clock sharp两点整
3.【音】tune +偏高地
4.【音】sing, play +偏高跑调地
sharp³ /ʃɑːp/ n.
4.(usually plural)【医】锋利的医疗器械;(尤指)皮下注射器针头
sharp⁴ /ʃɑːp/ vt.
sharp⁵ /ʃɑːp/ interj.




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