

单词 shape
释义 shape¹ /ʃeɪp/ n.
1.(form)+of object, person, area, room形状;外形

pieces of wood of different sizes and shapes不同大小和形状的木头

What shape is the room?那个房间是什么形状的?

The buds are conical or pyramidal in shape.蓓蕾呈圆锥形或金字塔形。

Walking is extremely beneficial to your body shape.步行对保持体形很有益处。

in the shape of sthorthe shape of sth以…的形状;…的样子

little pens in the shape of baseball bats棒球棒形状的小钢笔

The glass bottle is the shape of a woman's torso.玻璃瓶呈女性身体的形状。

2.(silhouette)+of person, object轮廓;影像;模糊的外形

The great grey shape of a tank rolled out of the village.一个有着巨大灰影的坦克从村子里开了出来。

We could see the dark shapes of bats silhouetted against the moon.我们可以看到月光映衬下蝙蝠的黑色身影。

a square shape正方形
4.(character, structure)形式;形态;方式

discussions on the shape of the interim government关于过渡政府形式的讨论

The government needs to decide what shape its response should take.政府需要决定采取何种方式进行回应。

We can change the shape of people's lives.我们能够改变人们的生活方式。

6.the shape of things to come未来的发展模式;开端;先河

These new devices could be the shape of things to come.这些新的设计可能是未来的发展方向。

7.in any shapeorform无论以何种方式;无论如何

I can't bear gardening in any shape or form.我受不了干任何园艺活。

I don't condone violence in any shape or form.对任何形式的暴力我都不会容忍。

There is absolutely no reason for consumers to panic in any way, shape or form.消费者绝对没有理由产生恐慌。

8.in good shapeorin shape情况良好;处于良好状态;身体健康

He likes to stay in shape.他喜欢保持身体健康。

These exercises will help you get in shape.这些锻炼会帮助你保持良好的健康状况。

He was still in better shape than many young men.他的身体状况仍然胜过很多年轻人。

9.in bad shapeorin poor shape情况不好;处于不好的状态;身体不健康

The trees were in bad shape from dry rot.这些树得了干腐病, 状况堪忧。

10.in the shape of sth以…的形式;也就是
11.to lick into shapeorto knock into shapeorto whip into shape使达到标准;把…训练好;使趋于完善

Few people doubt his ability to whip the economy into shape.几乎无人怀疑他整顿经济的能力。

12.out of shape
(not in original shape)变形;走样

My cap was all wrinkled and out of shape.我的帽子完全皱皱巴巴的, 不成样子了。


I'm a little out of shape.我身体有些不适。

13.to come in all shapes and sizes形形色色;各种各样

Colleges and universities come in all shapes and sizes.学院和大学林林总总, 一应俱全。

14.to take shape形成;出现

In 1912 women's events were added, and the modern Olympic programme began to take shape.1912年增加女子项目之后, 现代奥运会项目开始逐渐成形。

shape² /ʃeɪp/ vt.
1.(give form to)+ substance, material使成…形状;塑造;制作

machinery for shaping the plutonium core of nuclear weapons制作核武器钚核心的机器

He began to shape the dough into rolls.他开始把面团做成卷。

2.(influence)+ sb's ideas, character, sb's life, course of events决定…的形成;影响…的发展

The Greeks shaped the thinking of Western man.希腊人对西方人的思想产生了巨大影响。

Our families shape our lives and make us what we are.家庭影响了我们的生活, 决定了我们成为什么样的人。

3.(devise)+ plan, statement拟定;制定;设计
to shape a plan of action设计行动方案
Phrasal Verbsshape into,shape up




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