

单词 account
释义 account¹ /əˈkaʊnt/缩写为acct、a/c或acc. n.
1.(with bank)账户;户头

I had two accounts with Natwest, a savings account and a current account.我在英国国民西敏寺银行有两个账户, 一个储蓄账户和一个活期存款账户。

to open an account开户

I'd like to open an account.我想开个户。

Some banks make it difficult to open an account.在一些银行开户很麻烦。

'account payee only'<英>“仅限本账户收款人支取”(写于支票之上)

an eyewitness account目击者的描述

an accurate account of gangster life对黑帮生活的准确描述

to give an account of sth对某事物作出描述(或报道)

She gave a detailed account of what happened.她详细讲述了发生的事情。


a relatively unsophisticated account of human behaviour对人类行为较为简略的解释

Science, on Weber's account, is an essentially value-free activity.按照韦伯的说法, 科学在本质上是一种纯客观的活动。

4.(with store, credit company)赊购账户
to put sth on your account把…记在账上

Put it on my account.把它记在我账上。

an email account电子邮件账户

I was showing my friend how to open an email account.我在向朋友示范怎么开电子邮件账户。

5.(list of transactions)(列有余额的)往来账单, 交易清单
to keep an account of sth对某物记账

Keep an account of all your expenses.要对你所有的开支逐项记账。

to settle your account结账

Please settle your account the evening before you check out.请在退房前一晚结账。

6.(client)(尤指通过赊账购货的)客户, 顾客
7.【金融】(money in bank)账户金额

Your account stands at £150.43.你的账户金额是150.43英镑。

8.【金融】(extent of credit)信用额度
10.【股】(business period)(伦敦证券交易所的)账期交易期
11.(delegated business)业务委托

They transferred their publicity account to a new agent.他们把委托的宣传业务转给了一家新的代理公司。

to be brought to account for sthorto be called to account for sthorto be held to account for sth被要求对…作出解释(尤指应对过失负责)

Individuals who provide false information should be brought to account for their actions.应该让提供虚假情报的人对其行为作出解释。

I was called to account for my conduct by the headmistress.女校长把我叫去, 要求我对自己的行为作出解释。

to buy sth on account
(on credit)赊账购买某物

He bought two bottles of vodka on account.他赊账买了两瓶伏特加。

by all accountsorfrom all accounts据大家说

He is, by all accounts, a superb teacher.他是位有口皆碑的好老师。

by sb's own account据某人自己说

He was by his own account an ambitious workaholic.据他自己说他是个有抱负的工作狂。

to give an account of yourself<过时>(尤指向当权者)对自己的行为作出解释

You will stay here until you can give an account of yourself!要是你不能对自己的行为作出解释, 那你就在这儿待着吧!

to give a bad account of yourself表现不佳

He gave a bad account of himself in the examination.他考得不太好。

to give a good account of yourself
(perform well)表现出色

Despite our inexperience, we gave a good account of ourselves.我们虽然经验不足, 但仍表现出色。

of no accountorof little account<正式>无足轻重;无关紧要

These obscure groups were of little account in national politics.这些名不见经传的团体在国内政界无足轻重。

It's of no account to me whether you go or stay.你是走是留对我来说都无关紧要。

on sb's account
(on sb's behalf)为某人着想

Mollie told me what she'd done and I was really scared on her account.莫莉告诉我她干了什么, 我真替她害怕。

<口>(because of sb)为了某人的缘故

Don't leave on my account.不要因为我而离开。

on account of sth
(because of)因为某事;由于某事

The President declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.总统因为嗓子不适, 婉拒发表演说。

We couldn't go out on account of the bad weather.由于天气不好, 我们不能出去。

on no account决不;绝对不;无论如何不

When asked for your views, on no account should you be negative.在问到你的看法时, 你绝对不该持否定态度。

On no account must strangers be let in.决不可以让陌生人进来。

on your own account
(not as employee of company)独自地(尤指不代表或受雇于任一公司)

She had plans to set up in business on her own account.她计划自己独立经商。

(not because you were asked)自愿地

I told him if he withdrew it was on his own account.我告诉他如果他退出, 那就是出于自愿。

on that accountoron this account因此;于是

Wine is radioactive but few people stop drinking it on that account.葡萄酒有放射性, 但是很少有人就因此不再饮用了。

to pay sth on account部分支付

Expect to pay something on account.估计要付一部分款。

to settle accounts with sborto square accounts with sb【商】(pay or receive balance due)与某人结算;与某人结清账目

systems to invoice and settle accounts in euros用欧元开具发票和结算的系统

<文>(end fight)跟某人决战;和某人算总账;与某人了结恩怨

Their sleep is regularly disturbed by the sound of gunfire as criminal gangs settle their nightly accounts.夜间他们经常被黑帮为了解仇怨互相火并的枪声吵醒。

to take sth into accountorto take account of sth
(take into consideration)考虑到;把…考虑在内

Urban planners have to take account of many groups in society.城市规划者必须考虑到社会上的许多群体。

account² /əˈkaʊnt/ vt.
to be accounted sth<正式>(be thought of as)被视为…;被认为是…

The evening was accounted a great success.那晚的活动被视为巨大成功。

The opening day of the battle was accounted a success.开战首日被认为作战成功。

Phrasal Verbaccount for




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