

单词 set up
释义 set up
🄰 vt. sep.
1.(establish)to set up sth or to set sth up
+ business, organization建立;创建

An anti-terrorist squad was set up.成立了一个反恐小组。

She set up her own business.她创办了自己的企业。

to set up home安家
to set up shop开张;开店;开业

He set up shop as an interior designer.他开了一家室内装修店。

2.(erect)to set up sth or to set sth up竖立;竖起;建起

Police set up roadblocks across the region.警察在该地区设置了路障。

to set up camp扎营;安营扎寨
3.(make ready to operate)to set up sth or to set sth up
+ computer安装好

I set up my computer so that I could work from home.我安装好了计算机, 这样我就可以在家工作。

+ camera调试好
4.(in business)to set sb up帮助…开业
to set sb/yourself up as sth帮助某人/自己从事…

Her ambition is to set herself up as a florist.她的理想是自己开一家花店。

5.(organize)to set up sth or to set sth up组织;安排

I'd like to set up a team meeting for next week.我想安排下星期开一个小组会议。

6.(cause to happen)to set up sth or to set sth up引发;导致

Arsenal's victory sets up the prospect of a thrilling final.阿森纳队的胜利使人们对一场惊心动魄的决赛充满期待。

to set sb up使康复;使恢复

A week at the seaside would really set you up.在海边休息一周真的会使你恢复健康。

8.(put in a good position)to set sb up使处于优越地位

A single lottery win could set you up for life.中一次彩票就可以让你一辈子衣食无忧。

to set sb up for sth使…在…中占上风

The win sets us up perfectly for the match in Belgium.这场胜利让我们在比利时的比赛完全占据主动。

to be set up被诬陷;受冤枉

Maybe Angelo tried to set us up.也许安吉洛想诬陷我们。

🄱 vi.
1.(in business)开业;开始经商;开始做生意
to set up as sth以…为业
2.(get ready)安装好;调试好;准备好

On Monday morning the market was setting up.星期一早晨, 市场准备就绪。





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