

单词 settle
释义 settle¹ /ˈsetəl/
🄰 vt.
1.(resolve)+ argument, matter, problem结束;解决;和解

We are looking for ways to settle our differences.我们正在寻找解决分歧的方法。

We have renounced the use of force to settle our disputes.我们已宣布放弃使用武力解决争端。

that's settled then那么事情就这样定了
2.+ self使处于固定(或舒适)的位置;使舒舒服服地坐下(或躺下)

Albert settled himself on the sofa.艾伯特舒舒服服地坐在沙发上。

3.(cause to take up residence)使定居
4.(establish in way of life)安顿;安置

Thirty-thousand-million dollars is needed to settle the refugees.安顿这些难民需要耗资300亿美元。

5.(colonize)+ land移民于;殖民于;在…建立殖民地

Their grandparents settled the land in 1856.他们的祖父母于1856年在此地定居。

6.(calm)+ nerves使镇定;使安静;使平静
to settle your stomach缓解你的胃部不适
7.+ liquid使澄清
8.+ sediment使沉淀
9.(cause to subside)使沉降;使下陷;使变得密实
10.(pay)+ debt, bill, account支付;付清;结算

I'd like to settle my account.我想结账。

He came out to settle the charge for the hire car.他出来付了租车费。

13.【律】+ title, property(以契约、遗嘱等方式)转让, 授予
14.【律】+ case, dispute协商解决
to settle out of court庭外和解
🄱 vi.
1.(get comfortable)处于固定(或舒适)的位置;舒舒服服地坐下(或躺下)

Jessica settled into her chair with a small sigh of relief.杰茜卡坐到椅子上, 微微松了口气。

2.bird, fly +飞落;降落;停留

A bird settled on the roof.一只鸟落在了屋顶上。

3.(make home)person +定居

He finally settled in Paris.他最后定居在巴黎。

4.(become established in way of life)person +安顿下来
5.(be still, calm)person +定下心来;安静下来;平静下来;镇定下来

I can't settle today.今天我安不下心来。

to settle to sth安下心来做某事
6.(come down)投落;洒落;降落
7.liquid +变得清澈;澄清
8.sediment, dust +沉淀;沉降;降落
to settle sb's estate
(after death)处理某人的遗产
to settle a scoreorto settle an old score算账;清算旧账;报复
that settles it<口>那好;那就行了
Phrasal Verbssettle down,settle for,settle in,settle on,settle up,settle with
settle² /ˈsetəl/ n.
高背长椅(常为木制扶手椅, 座下多带有储物柜)




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