

单词 separate
释义 separate¹ /ˈsepəˌreɪt/
🄰 vt.
1.(act as barrier)分隔;隔开;阻隔

the white-railed fence that separated the yard from the paddock将院子和小围场隔开的白色围栏

2.(cause to part)+ family, couple, twins使分离;使分开
to separate sb from sb/sth使某人与某人/某物分离

The war separated her from her family.战争使她与家人骨肉分离。

people, couple, twins +被分开

twins who were separated at birth一出生就被分开的双胞胎

We had never been separated for more than a few days.我们以前顶多只分开过几天时间。

3.(part from mass)离开, 脱离(某一集体或群体)
4.(make distinction between)区别;区分
to separate sth from sth将…与…区分开来

It is difficult to separate truth from legend.将事实和传说区分开来是很难的。

5.(divide group)+ people, students划分;分类
to separate the class into groups将班级分成小组
🄱 vi.
1.(go different ways)分开;分离
2.(be put apart)被分开;被分离
3.(be parted from group)离开;脱离
to separate from sb/sth离开某人/脱离某物

He separated from the rest of the group.他与小组里的其他人有些疏远。

4.(be divided/sorted)划分为;归类为
to separate into groups分组
5.(be severed)被切割;被切下;被割下
6.(split up)couple +分居

Her parents separated when she was eleven.她的父母在她11岁时分居了。

7.to separate the men from the boys区分出强者与弱者;分出高下
Phrasal Verbseparate out
separate² /ˈsepərɪt/ adj.
a separate bank account独立的银行账户

Keep the two accounts separate.就让这两个账户保持独立吧。


I wrote it on a separate sheet.我将其写到了另一张纸上。

on separate occasions在不同的场合
3.+ room, facilities单独的;独享的;不共用的

The children have separate rooms.孩子们有单独的房间。

Each holiday chalet has its own separate garden.每个度假小屋都有独立的花园。

4.+ incident, matter不相关的
5.(apart, at a distance)分开的;不连接的
separate from sb/sth与某人/某物分开的

Rose stayed separate from the other children.罗丝与其他小孩保持着距离。

6.(apart from main body)脱离(集体)的

Quebec feels separate from the rest of Canada.魁北克给人的感觉有别于加拿大其他地区。

They plan to form their own separate party.他们计划独自成立政党。

9.【宗】+ church(教派或类似组织)分离出来的
10.go their separate ways
(go different ways)各走各的路;各奔东西;分道扬镳

We went our separate ways home.我们各回各家。

(split up)couple, partners +分手;离婚;断绝关系;散伙

After ten years of marriage, they had decided to go their separate ways.结婚十年后, 他们决定离婚。

11.under separate cover
send +另函;另纸




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