

单词 screw
释义 screw¹ /skruː/ n.
1.(fastening device)螺丝;螺丝钉

Each bracket is fixed to the wall with just three screws.每个托架仅用三颗螺丝钉固定在墙上。

4.(sth resembling screw)卷状物;螺旋状物
5.(twisting movement)螺旋运动
6.【台球】(stroke)(斯诺克台球)低杆击球, 拉杆击球
8.=propeller, 1
9.<非正式>(prison guard)狱卒;监狱看守

The screws occasionally noticed if an inmate didn't make his bed.如果犯人没有叠好被子, 监狱看守有时就会注意到。

11.<英>(package)+of salt, tobacco, tea, sugar一纸包;一纸卷
12.<非正式>(mean person)吝啬鬼;铁公鸡
14.<俚>(sexual intercourse)性交
to be a good screw是个很好的性伙伴
to have a screw发生性关系;性交

He risked losing his wife just to have a quick screw.他冒着失去妻子的危险只是为了玩一夜情。

to have a screw loose<非正式>发疯;失去理智

My friends thought I had a screw loose.我的朋友们认为我疯了。

a turn of the screw<非正式>(步步紧逼的)一步

Every rebel raid is another turn of the screw.叛军每次发动袭击就是又向前逼进一步。

to turn the screw on sborto tighten the screw on sborto put the screws on sb<非正式>对某人步步紧逼;向某人逐步施加压力

Parisian taxi drivers are threatening to mount a blockade to turn the screw on the government.巴黎的出租司机以设置封锁相威胁, 对政府施加压力。

So Andy put the screws on Silvester.于是安迪开始对西尔韦斯特步步紧逼。

screw² /skruː/
🄰 vt.
1.(insert)+ screw, bolt拧入;拧紧

I screwed the bolts back in place.我把螺栓重新拧上。

2.【工】(cut screw thread in)+ rod在…上刻出螺纹;+ hole在…内刻上螺纹
3.(twist)+ lid, top, bulb拧;旋

Kelly screwed the silencer onto the pistol.凯利把消声器拧到手枪上。

Luke screwed the bulb back into place.卢克把灯泡重新拧好。

4.(attach)+ shelf, plate用螺丝固定

She screwed the shelf on the wall.她用螺丝把那个架子固定到了墙上。

The Lloyds TSB brass plate is screwed to a wall in Edinburgh.劳埃德银行的黄铜牌子钉在爱丁堡城里的一面墙上。

5.<非正式>(cheat, con)利用;欺骗

The consumer is getting screwed by cover charges as well.那个消费者也被骗交纳了服务费。

6.(crumple)+ paper揉搓
(contort)+ face使扭曲;使变形;+ eyes眯起;+ nose皱起

He screwed the paper into a ball.他把报纸揉成了一团。

His eyes were screwed tight shut.他的双眼闭得紧紧的。

His face was screwed into a rage.他气得脸都变了形。

7.【体】(impart screw to)+ ball使螺旋运动;使转弯;回传
8.to screw sth out of sborto screw sth from sb<英,非正式>(force out of sb)迫使…说出…;强迫…拿出…
to screw money out of sborto screw money from sb敲诈某人的钱财

They know they can screw money from small businesses.他们知道能从小公司敲诈出钱来。

For decades rich nations have been screwing money out of poor nations.几十年来富国都在向穷国榨取金钱。

9.<俚>(have sex with)与…发生性关系;与…性交

I didn't want to know about his wife screwing some other guy.我不想知道他妻子是如何和别人私通的。

🄱 vi.
1.(twist)part, component, bulb, lid +拧;旋
to screw into sth拧入…

The bulb screws into any standard light socket.这只灯泡可以拧入任何标准灯座。

2.(be attached)shelf, plate +用螺丝固定
to screw to sth用螺丝固定在…上

I like the type of shelving that screws to the wall.我喜欢这种用螺丝固定在墙上的搁板。

3.(be screwed)ball +螺旋运动;转弯;被回传

The ball screwed wide of the target.这个球转弯后大大偏离了目标。

4.<俚>(have sex)性交;做爱;发生性关系

We went back to our hotel and screwed.我们回到酒店并发生了性关系。

to have your head screwed onorto have your head screwed on properlyorto have your head screwed on the right way<非正式>头脑清醒;理智

She's got her head screwed on.她变得理智了。

I always knew you had your head screwed on properly.我一直知道你头脑非常清醒。

screw … !<冒犯>去他的…!…见鬼去吧!

'Screw you!' he said bitterly.“去你的!”他愤恨地说。

Screw the company, screw the customers, just look after No. 1!去他的公司, 去他的顾客, 我只关心我自己!

to screw up your courage鼓足勇气;打起精神

He screwed up his courage again.他又一次鼓足了勇气。

Phrasal Verbsscrew around,screw back,screw down,screw off,screw on,screw round,screw together,screw up




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