

单词 scratch
释义 scratch¹ /skrætʃ/ n.
1.(to relieve itch)抓;挠

The dog had a good scratch.那只狗挠了半天痒痒。

2.(on skin;small cut)小伤口;小口子
(from claws, nails)抓伤;划伤

I got away without a scratch.我毫发无损地逃脱了。

Dr Sinclair tells me it's only a scratch.辛克莱医生告诉我说只是一点小划伤。

She had a large scratch on her cheek.她脸上有一块很大的抓痕。

The seven-year-old was found crying with scratches on his face.人们发现那个七岁小孩在哭, 脸上有一些抓痕。

3.(on paintwork, CD, furniture, or glass)抓痕;划痕

There were no scratches on the paintwork.那幅油画作品没有任何划痕。

I pointed to a number of scratches in the tile floor.我指了指地砖上的一些划痕。

4.(sound)(轻微的)刮擦声, 抓挠声

We heard a scratch at the door.我们听见轻微的挠门声。

5.【体】(status of having no handicap)(让步赛中)无受让, 零受让(如高尔夫球中的零差点)
6.【体】(time, score)(零受让、零差点参赛者的)净用时, 初始得分
7.【体】(starting line)起跑线
8.<废>(line on floor)比赛分界线;比赛起始线
9.【田径】(withdrawn competitor)退赛选手;弃权选手
10.【台】(shot resulting in penalty)造成犯规的击球(如使主球落袋)
11.【台】(lucky shot)侥幸的击球
12.(poultry food)家禽饲料
from scratch<非正式>从头开始;从零开始

Building a home from scratch can be exciting and challenging.从零开始建造一个家, 既激动人心又富有挑战性。

Hong Kong's manufacturing industry did not start from scratch in the post-war period.战后香港的制造业并非是从零起步。

crisp fried onion rings made from scratch every day每天新做的松脆炸洋葱圈

not up to scratch<非正式>不合格的;未达到标准的

He was deemed 'not up to scratch' and asked to leave.他被认定为“不合格”, 因而被要求离开。

not to be up to scratch不合格;未达到标准

His work isn't up to scratch.他的工作未达到标准。

She's not up to scratch.她未达到标准。

not to come up to scratch不合格;未达到标准

My mother always made me feel I wasn't coming up to scratch.我妈妈总让我觉得自己达不到要求。

The team didn't come up to scratch.该队没有达到要求。

scratch² /skrætʃ/ adj.
1.【体】(assembled hastily)+ team临时拼凑的;匆忙组建的

He guided a scratch team through to the FA Cup Final.他带领一支临时拼凑的球队打进了足总杯决赛。

We're a scratch team that's been thrown together.我们是一支临时拼凑的队伍。

2.【体】(with no allowance or penalty)+ player(让步赛中)零受让的, 零差点的
3.(rough, haphazard)粗糙的;随意的
scratch³ /skrætʃ/
🄰 vt.
1.(mark)+ CD, furniture, paint划;刮;刻

You scratched one of my CDs once.你有一次把我的一张光盘给划了。

The paint was scratched on the passenger's side.副驾驶座一侧的漆被刮到了。

Knives will scratch the worktop.刀具会划到操作台。

to scratch your name on sth在…上刻下名字

Mackenzie scratched his name on a rock.麦肯齐在一块岩石上刻下了他的名字。

2.(scrape, cut)+ skin, person, arm, leg
(with nail, thorn)划;刮
(with claws)抓;挠

The branches scratched my hands and face.树枝划破了我的手和脸。

I scratched my hand on the rosebush.我在玫瑰丛中划破了手。

The cat scratched me.那只猫挠了我一下。

3.(rub to relieve itch)+ skin

The old man lifted his cardigan to scratch his side.那位老人撩起羊毛衫, 挠了挠肋下。

to scratch yourself给自己挠痒痒

He scratched himself under his arm.他挠了挠腋下。

4.(irritate)+ skin摩擦;刺激

The wool scratches my skin.这种羊毛会刺激我的皮肤。

5.(cause to make grating sound)使发出刮擦声;使发出抓挠声

the sound of fingernails scratching a blackboard指甲刮擦黑板的声音

6.(write, draw)乱写;乱画

She scratched a hurried note onto a piece of paper.她匆忙在一张纸上写下潦草的几笔。

7.【体】(withdraw)+ entry使退赛
8.<美>(remove from list)+ candidate's name除去;移除
9.(treat superficially)+ subject肤浅地看待(或处理)
🄱 vi.
1.(be marked)被划;被刮

Acrylics will scratch if not treated with care.如果不小心, 丙烯酸颜料是会刮花的。

2.(scrape or cut skin)cat, nail, thorn +划;刮;抓;挠

It is natural for cats to scratch.猫抓挠东西很正常。

3.(to relieve itch)(人)挠痒痒, 搔痒

I had to wear long sleeves to stop myself scratching.我只好穿上长袖衣服, 以免自己挠痒痒。

4.(irritate skin)产生摩擦;产生刺激

It'll keep the wool from scratching.它可阻止羊毛对皮肤产生刺激作用。

5.(make grating sound)发出刮擦声;发出抓挠声

They could hear the dog scratching at the door.他们能听到狗挠门的声音。

I can hear his pen scratching.我能听见他笔尖发出的摩擦声。

6.【体】(withdraw)competitor +退赛;弃权
7.【台】(make shot resulting in penalty)击球犯规
8.【台】(make lucky shot)侥幸击中
to scratch sb's eyes outorto scratch sb's eyeballs out<非正式>(fight, argue)激烈打斗;激烈争吵

They wanted to scratch each other's eyeballs out.他们想你死我活地打一架。

to scratch your head
(to relieve itch)挠头

He took off his cap and scratched his head.他摘下帽子挠了挠头。

(think hard)绞尽脑汁;想方设法

He is left scratching his head and asking, 'But what did I do?'他百思不得其解, 问道:“我做什么了?”

to scratch a livingorto scratch for a living<非正式>勉强糊口;艰难维持生计

Farmers barely scratch a living.农民们在勉强维持生计。

to scratch the surface触及表面;触及皮毛

Officials say they've only scratched the surface of the drug problem.官员们说他们仅仅触及到了毒品问题的表面。

We had only two weeks to tour Malaysia, which was hardly enough time to scratch the surface.我们只有两周时间游览马来西亚, 连走马观花都不够。

Even this fairly complex analysis only begins to scratch the surface.就连这一比较复杂的分析也是刚刚触及皮毛而已。

you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours投桃报李;相互帮助

Whole networks were created on the 'you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours' principle.完整的系统是建立在互帮互助原则基础之上的。

Phrasal Verbsscratch along,scratch out,scratch together,scratch up




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