

单词 scrape
释义 scrape¹ /skreɪp/
🄰 vt.
1.(clean)+ footwear擦;+ pan, dish擦;刮;+ vegetables刮;削

He scraped his boots clean.他把靴子擦干净了。

Scrape the base of the pan with a wooden spoon.用木勺把锅底刮干净。

She scraped plates into the bin.她把盘子里的东西抹进垃圾箱。

2.(rub across surface)+ rough or sharp object用…擦;用…刮
3.(move noisily)+ chair, instrument, surface声音刺耳地刮擦

She scraped her chair backward.她向后挪动椅子, 发出刺耳的声响。

4.(graze)+ body part擦伤;刮伤

He scraped his hand on a rock.他在岩石上刮伤了手。

She stumbled and fell, scraping her knees.她绊了一跤, 把膝盖擦伤了。

5.(scratch)+ table, paint, car, wall刮;蹭;剐

I'd scraped the back bumper.我把后保险杠蹭了。

The car hurtled past, scraping the wall.那辆车疾驰而过, 剐到了墙壁。

6.(finish with scraper)+ surface(用刮刀)刮磨, 刮平
7.(make fit)+ bearing刮磨;刮削
8.(get with difficulty)+ win, draw, victory勉强获得;勉强取得

Everton scraped a 1-0 win at Ipswich.埃弗顿队以1比0的比分艰难战胜伊普斯威奇队。

We'll be lucky to scrape a draw.我们如果能勉强跟对手打平就很幸运了。

to scrape a living勉强糊口;艰难度日

She scrapes a living singing jingles for TV.她靠演唱电视广告歌勉强度日。

🄱 vi.
1.(to smooth or clean)擦;刮;磨

The splints are smoothed by scraping with a drawknife.夹板用刮刀刮平了。

2.(make grating sound)(因摩擦)发出刺耳声响

The only sound is that of knives and forks scraping against china.唯一的响动是刀叉摩擦瓷器发出的刺耳声音。

The sound of metal scraping on floor tiles came from the kitchen.厨房里传出金属摩擦地砖的刺耳声响。

3.(when bowing)(鞠躬前)一脚擦地后退
to bow and scrape举止过度谦卑;卑躬屈膝

NATO's 19 member states must bow and scrape to Germany and France.北约19个成员国都必须对德国和法国卑躬屈膝。

to scrape home勉强获胜;艰难战胜

He might scrape home in the summer's elections.他可能会在夏季大选中勉强获胜。

to scrimp and scrape节衣缩食;省吃俭用

We have scrimped and scraped for everything we've got.我们省吃俭用挣下全部家当。

Phrasal Verbsscrape along,scrape away,scrape back,scrape by,scrape in,scrape into,scrape off,scrape out,scrape through,scrape together,scrape up
scrape² /skreɪp/ n.
1.(rubbing with sth sharp)擦;刮;蹭

She buried the remains with a few scrapes of a paw.这只母兽用爪子刨了几下, 埋掉了尸体残骸。

2.(rubbing to clean)擦干净;刮干净

Give your tongue a good scrape.好好刮一刮你的舌头。

3.(scratch; on shoe, car, or door)擦痕;划痕;刮痕

Keep your shoes safe from dust, dirt and scrapes.鞋子不要沾到灰尘、泥土, 也不要有刮痕。

There was a scrape of yellow paint on the driver's side.司机一侧有一处黄色的油漆擦痕。

He saw the scratch marks, long thin scrapes.他看见了那些又长又细的划痕。


There was a scrape on the knuckles of his right hand.他右手关节有一处擦伤。

She got just a few scrapes and bruises.她身上只有几处划伤和瘀痕。

He had clean water to wash my scrapes and cuts.他拿来了清水, 清洗我身上的擦伤和割伤。


She got up with a scrape of her chair.她站了起来, 椅子发出刺耳的声音。

I heard the scrape of a boot on the pavement.我听到靴子在人行道上发出的刮擦声。


He has rescued her from many a scrape.他几次三番把她从困境中解救出来。

He's helped us out of a few scrapes.他好几次帮我们摆脱困境。

to get into a scrape陷入窘境;陷入困境

We got into terrible scrapes.我们陷入了可怕的困境。

He does tend to get into scrapes.他确实比较容易招惹麻烦。


I got into a few scrapes and scraps.我参与过几次打架斗殴。





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