

单词 scrap
释义 scrap¹ /skræp/ n.
1.(small piece)+of paper, material, meat小片;小块;碎片

A crumpled scrap of paper was found in her handbag.在她的手袋里找到了一张皱巴巴的纸片。

a scrap of white linen一小块白色亚麻布

not a scrap of sth一点…都没有

She wasn't wearing a scrap of make-up.她完全没有化妆。

2.(extract)+of information, data, news, conversation摘录;节选;片段

They need every scrap of information they can get.他们需要一切可以获得的信息。

They were eager for any scrap of news.他们盼望得到哪怕是只言片语的消息。

I heard various scraps of conversation over the dinner table.我在餐桌上听到了各种各样的谈话片段。

3.(waste material)废品;废物;废料

Thousands of tanks and armoured vehicles will be cut up for scrap.数千辆坦克和装甲车将被拆解成废料。

to sell sth for scrap把…作为废品卖掉

He sold the car for scrap.他把那辆车当作废品卖了。

4.=scrap paper

Billy Bonds has never been one to avoid a scrap.比利•邦兹从来不怕动手打架。

Two kids got into a bit of a scrap.两个小孩动手打了起来。

to have a scrap with sb与某人动手;与某人发生争吵

I'm not interested in having a scrap with someone who is 4ft tall.我没有兴趣和一个四英尺高的家伙动手。

scrap² /skræp/(scraps,scrapping,scrapped)
🄰 vt.
1.(make into scrap)+ car, ship, equipment拆解;使报废

The destroyer, which hit rocks off Australia, may be scrapped.在澳大利亚海域触礁的那艘驱逐舰可能会被拆解。

These are old cars which should be scrapped.这些都是应该报废的旧汽车。

2.(discard)+ plan, project, deal废止;取消;+ law废除;+ idea摈弃;抛弃

Shakira has scrapped plans to perform in Lebanon.夏奇拉已经取消了在黎巴嫩演出的计划。

The scheme was scrapped in 1989.这个计划1989年就废止了。

🄱 vi.
<非正式>(quarrel, fight)吵架;打架

They look at the boys scrapping in the playground.他们看着在操场上打架的那些男孩们。

Before he's struck a note, Lou Reed's scrapping with a roadie.他刚要开始弹琴, 卢•里德和一个乐队设备管理员吵了起来。

scrap³ /skræp/ comp.

It's nothing but a bundle of scrap material.这只是一堆废料而已。

Many of these aircraft will end up as scrap aluminium.这些飞机里有很多将被拆解成废铝材料。





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