

单词 schedule
释义 schedule¹ /ˈʃedjuːl;esp USˈskedʒʊəl/ n.
1.(list of tasks)+of person日程表;日程安排
a busy schedule忙碌的日程安排
2.(plan; for project or event)计划表;进度表
to work to a tight schedule工作安排紧凑
(at the expected or planned time)按进度

John was doing a marvellous job in keeping the project on schedule.约翰工作非常出色, 保证了项目的如期进行。

(to be early)比计划提前

The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule.喷气式飞机比计划提前了两分钟到达约翰内斯堡。

(to be late)比计划延迟

It will be completed several weeks behind schedule.这要比计划推迟几个星期才能完成。

to go according to schedule按照计划进行
3.(list of items)+of prices一览表;清单;明细
a schedule of charges费用明细
4.(timetable)+of trains, buses时间表;时刻表
a bus schedule公共汽车时刻表
a schedule of events活动安排表
schedule² /ˈʃedjuːl;esp USˈskedʒʊəl/ vt.
+ time安排在…

The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.会议安排在明天。

+ completion, publication, release计划…

The manufacturing plant is scheduled for completion by 1991.这个制造厂计划在1991年前建成。

to be scheduled to do sth被安排做某事

He was scheduled to leave Plymouth yesterday.他被安排在昨天离开普利茅斯。

2.(place in a schedule)为…制订计划




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