

单词 scarcely
释义 scarcely /ˈskeəslɪ/ adv.
1.(barely, only just)刚刚;才;勉强

He was scarcely more than a child.他仅仅是个孩子。

Scarcely a week goes by without the news providing fresh examples of police racism.几乎每周都有警察种族歧视事件发生。

I scarcely knew him.我和他几乎不相识。

I can scarcely believe it.我简直难以相信。

scarcely anybody几乎没有人
2.(hardly)几乎不, 几乎没有(用于诙谐或批评的语气中)

It can scarcely be coincidence.那几乎不可能是巧合。

It was scarcely in their interest to let too many people know.他们并不希望太多人知晓此事。

He could scarcely have had more difficult opponents.他几乎不会再遇到更难对付的对手了。

3.(with reference to time)刚…就…(表示一事紧跟另一事发生)

Bruce had scarcely shaken our hands when the phone rang.布鲁斯刚和我们握了握手, 电话铃就响了。





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