

单词 sb will do sth
1.(forming future tense)(用作助动词, 构成将来时)将, 会

I will finish it tomorrow.我明天把它做完。

I will have finished it by tomorrow.我明天肯定能完成。

It won't take long.这不会花很长时间。

Will you ever feel at home here?你在这里会感到自在吗?

The ship will not be ready for a month.船在一个月内准备不好。

2.(expressing intention or resolution)(用作助动词, 表示意图或决心)想要, 愿意

Where will you stay when you get to San Francisco?你到旧金山以后想住在哪里?

Dinner's ready.—Thanks, Carrie, but we'll have a drink first.饭好啦。——谢谢, 卡丽, 不过我们想先喝一杯。

What will you do next?你下一步要做什么?

3.will you do sth?
(in polite invitations)(用于问句, 表示礼貌地邀请或提议)…好吗?

Will you stay for supper?你愿意留下吃晚饭吗?

Will you join me for a drink?你愿意跟我一起喝一杯吗?

Will you have a cup of tea?你想喝杯茶么?

4.I'll do sth or we'll do sth
(offering to do sth)(表示提议或同意做某事)我来…, 我们来…

I'll answer the phone.我来接电话。

I'll show you your room.我来带你看看你的房间。

We'll give you a hand.我们来帮你。

5.will you do sth?
(in polite requests)(用于问句中, 表示请求或让某人做某事)…好吗?

Will you help me?你能帮我么?

Will you do it?—Yes, I will.你来做这件事好吗?——好的, 我来。

Will you drive me home?你开车送我回家好不好?

Will you listen, Andrew?安德鲁, 听着好吗?

Will you be quiet!你安静点儿好吗!

6.you will do sth<正式>(in commands)(用于命令)请, 将

You will do as I request, if you please.请按我的要求做。

7.(be willing)愿意/不愿

He has insisted that his organisation will not negotiate with the government.他坚称他的组织不愿与政府谈判。

Will you wash up? — No, I won't.你愿意洗餐具么?——不, 我不愿意。

I won't put up with it!我不愿意对此忍气吞声!

8.(will be able)(表示将来能做某事)将, 能

How will I recognize you?我怎样才能认出你呢?

9.(with if or unless)(用于含有 if 和 unless 的句子的主句中, 表示非常可能发生)会, 就

If you overcook the pancakes they will be difficult to roll.如果薄饼烙久了, 就很难卷起来。

He won't stop drinking unless he's told by a doctor that it's killing him.除非医生告诉他喝酒会要他的命, 否则他是不会戒酒的。

10.(expressing what normally happens)(用作助动词, 表示惯常行为)经常, 惯于, 总是

Art thieves will often hide an important work for years after it has been stolen.艺术品盗贼偷走重要艺术品后常常会把它藏匿好几年。

11.sb will do sth
(expressing irritation)某人一定要…;某人非…不可

He will leave his socks lying all over the place and it drives me mad.他非要把袜子扔得到处都是, 这简直要把我逼疯了。

12.(in conjectures or predictions)(用作助动词, 表示可能性或期望)定会

He will be there by now.他这会儿肯定已经在那儿了。

That will be the postman.那肯定是邮递员。

See will




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