

单词 sale
释义 sale¹ /seɪl/ n.
1.(process of selling)销售;出售

new laws to control the sale of guns枪支销售新管制法

2.(act of selling)出售;贩卖

a proposed arms sale to Saudi Arabia拟议对沙特阿拉伯出售武器

to make a sale做一桩买卖
to lose a sale没做成生意
3.(amount sold)销售量
the sale of sth…的销售量

The sale of cars has increased by 15 percent.汽车销量增加了15%。


There was no sale for luxuries.奢侈品没有销路。

5.(selling rate)销售率
6.(at reduced prices)廉价销售;打折出售

There's a sale on at Harrods.哈罗德百货正在大减价。

the sales特价促销
(the)January sales一月份打折销售
See alsoclosing-down sale
7.(occasion)(尤指通常不作为售货地点的处所举行的)销售活动, 义卖

There's a bake sale on at the college.校园内有烤饼义卖活动。

an antiques sale古董拍卖
for sale
(on offer to buy)出售;待售

The company is not for sale.这家公司不卖。

on sale<主英>(able to be bought)有售

English textbooks and dictionaries are on sale everywhere.英文课本和词典哪里都有卖。

<美>(at a reduced price)廉价销售;打折出售

He bought a sports jacket on sale at Gowings Men's Store.他在高英斯男装店买了一件打折的运动上衣。

up for sale
property, company +待售

The castle has been put up for sale.该城堡已对外出售。

+ property, business销售…;出售…

They decided to put their house up for sale and emigrate.他们决定卖掉房子, 然后移民。

sale² /seɪl/ comp.
1.(of selling)销售的;出售的
2.(of selling at reduced prices)廉价销售的;打折出售的




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