

单词 run
释义 run¹ /rʌn/缩写为r. n.
1.(period of running)跑;奔跑;跑步
a cross-country run越野跑
an eight-mile run八英里跑
to go for a run去跑步

I go for a run every morning.我每天早上都去跑步。

to do a run跑步

I did a ten-kilometre run.我跑了10公里。

2.(gait, pace)跑, 跑动(指步态或步速)
at a run奔跑着

Caroline set off at a run, leaving the rest of us to try and catch her up.卡罗琳跑了起来, 丢下我们一群人在后面使劲追她。

He took the first two miles at a run before slowing down to a slightly more leisurely pace.最开始的两英里他是跑着的, 后面就放缓步伐, 稍稍放松了些。

to break into a run突然跑起来;撒腿就跑
3.(drive, journey)驾车旅行;(尤指)乘车兜风

It's a 50-minute run from Glasgow to Edinburgh.从格拉斯哥到爱丁堡开车要50分钟。

(in car)开车去兜风
to take sb for a run in sth带某人乘坐…兜风
the school run(开车送孩子的)上下学
4.(period, series)持续的一段;一连串;一系列
a run of sth一连串…

Leeds United had a run of wins in December.利兹联队在12月取得了一连串胜利。

a run of luckora run of good luck一连串好运
a run of bad luck一连串的坏运气
5.(series of performances)连演;连播

during its 13-week run at the Apollo Theatre该剧在阿波罗剧院连续上演13周期间

6.【牌】(通常超过五张的)连牌, 顺子
7.【体】(track; for skiing or tobogganing)(尤指滑雪和平底雪橇运动的)滑道, 赛道
a ski run滑雪道
to score a run得一分
11.(in tights or stockings)抽丝

I've got a run in my tights.我的连裤袜抽丝了。

12.【商】(demand for commodity)争购;抢购
a run on sth对某物的抢购

There was a run on tickets for the new film.新电影引发了抢票热潮。

13.【金融】(large-scale withdrawal of funds)挤兑;挤提
a run on sth对…的挤兑

A run on sterling has killed off hopes of a rate cut.对英镑的挤兑已经完全扼杀了降低汇率的希望。

14.【农】(enclosure)(家禽、兔子等的)放养场, 散养场
a chicken run散养鸡场
15.<澳,新西兰>(for grazing)牧场
16.【动】(route used by animals)出没路径(或区域)
17.<美>(in election)(对公职的)竞选
a run for sth竞选某职位

his run for a Senate seat from Georgia他竞选佐治亚州参议员席位

18.the run of sth
(free access)自由使用…;随意出入…
to have the run of sthorto have free run of sth可随意使用某物;可随意出入某处

He has the run of the house.他可以随意出入那所房子。

to give sb the run of sthorto give sb free run of sth允许某人随意使用某物;允许某人随意出入某处

They gave their visitors the run of the place.他们允许访客随意出入那个地方。

19.the run of sth

the run of the market市场趋势

20.(characteristic pattern)纹理特点;走向

the run of the grain on a piece of wood一块木头的纹理特点

21.【工】(period of operation)(机器、计算机等的)运转时间, 运行时间, 作业时间
23.【矿】(vein of ore or coal)连续矿脉;连续煤层
24.【矿】(direction of vein)矿脉走向
25.(period of flow)+of water一段时间的流动
26.(amount of flow)+of water流量
27.(pipe, channel)水管;管道;渠道
28.【地理】(small stream)小溪
29.【动】(group of animals moving together)迁徙群
30.【动】(fish migration)洄游
31.【军】(aircraft mission)飞行任务
32.【军】=bombing run
33.【航空】(movement along runway)(飞机沿跑道的)滑跑, 滑行
35.【海】(tack)+of sailing vessel顺风航向
36.【海】(part of hull)船尾尖部
against the run of sth<英>逆着…的趋向
against the run of play逆转局势

The decisive goal arrived against the run of play.这个决定性的进球逆转了场上的局势。

the common run of sthorthe general run of sthorthe usual run of sth
(type, class)一般类型的…;普通类型的…

a man who was outside the common run of professional athletes at the time一个超越同时代普通职业运动员的人

Such an arrangement would not be practical for the general run of competitions.对于一般的比赛而言, 这样的安排是不实际的。

to give sb a run for their moneyorto give sb a good run for their money几乎比得上某人;几乎可与某人媲美

Well, we didn't win, but at least we gave the champions a good run for their money.好吧, 我们没有赢, 但我们的水平也比冠军差不了多少了。

to have a good run for your moneyorto get a good run for your money得到报偿;获得愉悦;得到满足

We try to make sure that visitors get a good run for their money and want to come back another year.我们努力确保游客们心满意足, 以后还想来。

in the long run长远来看

Sometimes expensive drugs or other treatments can be economical in the long run.有时昂贵的药物或其他治疗方法从长远来看可能还比较划算。

in the short run短期来看

In the short run, I imagine things will get considerably worse.我认为短期来看情况会变得非常糟糕。

to make a run for it逃跑;逃离

It was still raining hard, but we made a run for it and dived into the station entrance.雨仍下得很大, 但我们拼命跑, 冲进了车站入口。

on the run
(from the authorities)在逃;东躲西藏
to be on the run from sth躲避某事
to go on the run在逃

She skipped bail and went on the run for nine months.她在保释期间脱逃, 已在逃9个月。

(retreating in contest)落败;节节败退
to have sb on the run彻底打败某人

I knew I had him on the run.我知道我彻底打败了他。

(continuously active)在奔忙;忙碌着

She's on the run from the moment she arrives at the office till the moment she leaves.她从踏进办公室到离开办公室, 一直在忙。

run² /rʌn/(runs,running,ran run)
🄰 vi.
1.(move fast)person, animal +跑;奔;奔驰

Antonia ran to meet them.安东尼娅跑去迎接他们。

I ran downstairs to open the door.我跑下楼去开门。

2.(go running)跑步

I run every day.我每天跑步。

3.(compete in race)horse, runner +赛跑

John is currently running third.约翰目前跑在第三位。

to run in a race参加赛跑
to run for your life逃命;逃生
5.<非正式>(make a short trip or visit)很快跑一趟

I'll run over and check on Mrs Adams.我会跑一趟过来看看亚当斯太太的情况。

6.(extend)road, river, border, line +延伸;伸展

The road runs along the ridge.道路沿着山脊伸展。

The trail runs through beech woods.小道穿过山毛榉林。

7.(pass)shadow, shiver +掠过;闪过

A shiver ran through her body.她全身一阵发抖。

8.(move, slide)滚动;滑动;滑行

A ball ran over the ground towards her.一只球贴着地滚向她。

The curtains run on a plastic track.窗帘通过一条塑料轨道滑动。

9.(work, function)machine +运转;organization, system +运营;运作

He had failed to realise that the tape recorder was still running.他没有意识到录音机还开着。

to leave the engine running让发动机保持运转
things are running smoothly事情进展顺利
10.(pass through machine)film, tape +转动;走动

The tape had run to the end but recorded nothing.磁带已经转到头, 但什么也没录上。

11.【计】program +运行
12.(operate a service)bus, train +来往;运行

The bus runs every 20 minutes.公交车每20分钟一班。

That bus doesn't run on Sundays.那个线路的公交车星期天不运营。

A shuttle service runs between the airport and the town centre.飞机场和市中心有班车往返。


The exhibition runs from March 2nd to April 22nd.展览从3月2日持续至4月22日。

14.(be performed)play +演出;上演
it will run and run这出戏会连演不衰
15.(be valid)contract, policy +有法律效力;有效

The contract was to run from 1992 to 2020.合同在1992年至2020年间有效。

16.(flow)liquid +流;流淌;bath, tap +滴水;流水

Don't leave the tap running.别让水龙头不停流水。

Tears were running down his face.泪水沿着他的面颊流下。

Your nose is running.你在流鼻涕。

17.(spread irregularly)mascara, paint, ink, colour +渗开;渗色

The ink had run on the wet paper.墨迹在湿纸上渗开了。

to run in the wash水洗时渗色

Do you think these jeans will run in the wash?你觉得这条牛仔裤水洗会掉色吗?

18.(melt)butter, ice-cream, wax +化开;融化
19.(surge)river, sea +涌起;涌动

A high sea was running that night.那天晚上海上巨浪汹涌。

20.<尤美,加拿大>(in election)参选;竞选

Women are running in nearly all the contested seats in Los Angeles.洛杉矶所有的待选席位几乎都有女性参选。

Has he decided to run?他决定参选了吗?

to run for president竞选总统
to run against sb与某人一同竞选
21.(be published)发表;刊登;登载

An editorial ran this weekend entitled 'Mr. Cuomo Backs Out'.本周刊登了题为“科莫先生退出了”的社论。

22.(be stated or reported)被陈述;被报道

His story runs as follows.他的故事请看下面的叙述。

23.【植】(spread)(藤蔓、匍匐枝等)蔓延, 攀缘
24.(unravel)stitches +散开;garment, tights +脱针;脱线
26.【动】(migrate upstream)salmon +洄游
27.【动】(swim rapidly)(尤指洄游时)快速游动
28.【海】(sail with wind astern)顺风航行
🄱 vt.
1.(cover)+ distance跑(一段距离)

I ran five kilometres.我跑了五公里。

2.(compete in)+ race参加…比赛

She ran a brilliant race and finished a close second.她在赛跑中表现非常出色, 获得第二名, 与第一名成绩非常接近。

to run a marathon参加马拉松比赛
3.(give a lift to)让…搭车;开车送

I can run you to the station.我可以开车送你去车站。


She ran her finger down a list of names.她的手指在名单上迅速划过。

to run sth over sth把某物在某物表面迅速移过

I'll just run a duster over the furniture.我就用掸子把家具简单掸一下。

+ hand, finger使…迅速移过…

He ran his hand over his ribs.他用手拂过自己的肋骨。

+ eyes用…扫过…

He ran his eyes quickly over the contents.他很快扫了一眼目录。

to run the length of sth从…的一端延伸至另一端;贯穿…
to run the width of sth从…的一边延伸至另一边;横贯…
6.(extend, put in position)+ cable, cord, pipe接;使延伸;安装

Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector.我们的主人从房里牵出一根延长电线, 架起屏幕和投影仪。

to run sth into sth将…刺入某物

She ran a needle into her finger.她把一根针刺入手指。

8.(manage)+ business, company, department经营;管理;+ country治理;+ competition, course举办;开办

He runs a large company.他经营一家大公司。

They run music courses in the holidays.他们在假期开授音乐课程。

9.+ water使流动;放;+ tap打开

She was running hot water into the tub.她在往澡盆里放洗澡水。

10.(operate)+ machine, engine开动;使运行

Don't run the washing machine and the dishwasher at the same time.不要同时使用洗衣机和洗碗机。

11.【计】+ program, routine运行
12.(play)+ tape使播放

She ran the tape and found a message from Charles.她回放了磁带, 发现有一条查尔斯的留言。

13.(own and use)+ car驾驶;使用

I can't afford to run a car.我开不起汽车。

to be cheap to run保养费用低

The car is very cheap to run.养这台车花费很小。

14.(put into service)+ bus使(沿固定路线定时)运行

The company runs regular buses from the town centre to the hospital.该公司运营从市中心到医院的定时班车。

15.(go through)+ blockade冲破;突破;+ red light

They were caught on camera running a red light in the centre of town.他们被摄像头拍到在市中心闯红灯。

16.(carry out)+ test, check实施;执行

He ran a lot of tests.他做了很多化验。

17.(publish)+ story, article发表;刊登

The local newspaper ran a feature on Liverpool.当地报纸刊登了关于利物浦的特别报道。

18.(be affected by)遭受(病痛折磨);发(烧)

The little girl was running a high fever.这个小姑娘在发高烧。

to run a temperature发烧

19.【农】(put out to graze)+ animal放养;散养
20.【农】(put animals on)+ field, land在…放养牲畜
21.【赛马】(enter in a race)使(赛马)参赛
23.【缝】(with continuous stitches)直线缝
24.(deal in illegally)+ arms, drugs走私;非法贩卖

His outfit were trying to run guns into Equatorial Guinea.他的团伙当时试图向赤道几内亚走私枪支。

25.【海】(sail with the wind astern)使(帆船)顺风航行
27.【台】(make in sequence)+ shots连续完成
28.【高尔夫】(strike)+ ball推杆击
29.【牌】+ winning cards连续出
to be running late
bus, train +晚点;person +迟到

I'm running late again.我又要迟到了。

to be running scared吓坏了;怕得要死

The administration is running scared.行政当局吓坏了。

to be running scared of sth/sb对…怕得要命

Newspaper reports claimed that the management was running scared of the union.报纸报道称管理层对该协会怕得要命。

to be run off your feet<英>忙得马不停蹄;忙得不可开交

The staff have been run off their feet during the January sales.一月份促销期间员工们忙得脚打后脑勺。

to run sb off their feet让某人东奔西忙
the clock runs down时间进入倒计时;时间不多了
sb's cup runs over某人乐不可支;某人心满意足

My cup ran over when I was asked to appear on television.被邀请上电视让我幸福感爆棚。

to run a bath放洗澡水
to run sb close几乎赶上某人;与某人不相上下
to run dry
(dry up)river, well, oil well +干涸;干枯;枯竭
(be exhausted)source of information, money +耗尽;告罄
sth runs in the family
sth runs in sb's family…在家族中遗传;…世代相传

Sporting ability runs in her family.运动天赋在她的家族代代相传。

to run for it<非正式>




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