

单词 rope
释义 rope¹ /rəʊp/ n.
1.(thick cord)粗绳;线缆;绳索

She picked up the end of the rope and pulled.她捡起绳子的末端, 开始拉。

I need a piece of rope.我需要一段绳子。

2.(row of objects)+of pearls, onions(一)串
3.(quantity of material)捻成绳状之物;缠成绳状之物

When taken out it was a thick rope of tobacco that they could carry in their pocket.拿出来一看, 原来是一截烟草捻成的粗绳, 他们可以随身装在口袋里。

4.+of slime, saliva丝状黏质;黏丝
5.【体】+of boxing ring(拳击台的)围绳
6.to give sb enough rope to hang themselves任由某人自作自受;听任某人作茧自缚;放任某人出丑
7.money for old rope<英,非正式>轻易赚来的钱;便宜事儿
8.the rope
(used for hanging sb)绞索
(death by hanging)绞死;吊死
rope² /rəʊp/ comp.
+ bridge, ladder绳(索)的;线缆的;绳制的
rope³ /rəʊp/
🄰 vt.
1.(tie up)+ animal, person, vehicle用绳子捆(或绑、系、拴)
2.(rope off)+ area, field用绳圈起;用绳隔开
3.+ climbers用绳子系在一起

They roped themselves together.他们用绳子将彼此系在一起。

to be roped together被用绳子系在一起
🄱 vi.
Phrasal Verbsrope in,rope off,rope up




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