

单词 rest assured
4.rest assured
(emphasizing sth is definitely true)放心;安心

Their parents can rest assured that their children's safety will be of paramount importance.家长尽可放心, 孩子们的安全将是重中之重。

Rest assured, he probably has rather more common sense than you realize.放心吧, 他的常识很可能比你以为的要多。

(emphasizing determination to do sth)一定会;一定要

I will be seeing Mr and Mrs Johnson. And rest assured I will tell them of your rudeness.我会去见约翰逊夫妇。等着瞧吧, 我一定会把你那无礼样告诉他们。

Rest assured, if you owe taxes, we will collect them.如果你欠税, 我们一定会去收的。

See assured




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