

单词 resist
释义 resist¹ /rɪˈzɪst/
🄰 vt.
1.(fight back against)+ attacker, invader抵抗;反抗

the last people who had resisted the Romans最后一个抵抗罗马人的民族

2.(withstand)+ cold, disease耐;抗;防

Chemicals form a protective layer that resists both oil and water-based stains.化学物质形成了一个抗油污和水渍的保护层。

3.(oppose)+ change, demands, attempts反对;拒绝接受

She says she will resist a single European currency being imposed.她说她会反对推行欧洲单一货币。

They resisted our attempts to modernize the distribution of books.他们反对我们采用现代化方式发行图书。

to resist arrest拒捕
4.(not give in to, say no to)+ temptation抵抗;抵挡住;+ urge按捺住;+ challenge禁得住;禁得起

Students should resist the temptation to focus on exams alone.学生应该杜绝一门心思应付考试的想法。

I cannot resist sth我无法抵挡…

I can't resist cheese.我抵挡不住奶酪的诱惑。

I can't resist a challenge.我禁不起激将。

I couldn't resist it.我按捺不住。

can't resist doing sth无法克制做某事

She just can't resist telling other people what to do.她就是忍不住要对别人指手画脚。

I couldn't resist taking a look inside the box.我禁不住往盒子里面看了一眼。

🄱 vi.
1.(fight back)抵抗;反抗

When she had attempted to cut his nails he resisted.她试图给他剪指甲, 他不让。

cannot resistorcould not resist无法克制;按捺不住

I tried to refuse but I couldn't resist.我试图拒绝, 但就是忍不住答应了。

resist² /rɪˈzɪst/ n.




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