

单词 repair
释义 repair¹ /rɪˈpeə/ n.
to carry out repairs进行修补
under repair在修理中

The road is currently under repair.这条路正在维修。

to be in need of repair需要修理

Many of the buildings are in need of repair.许多建筑需要修缮。

4.beyond repair无法修理;无法修缮

The machine is beyond repair.机器无法维修。

There is no doubt now that her marriage is beyond repair.毫无疑问, 她的婚姻已经无法修补。

5.in bad repair(建筑等)状况糟糕

The road was in bad repair in parts.这条路有些路段的状况非常糟糕。

6.in good repair(建筑等)状况良好
repair² /rɪˈpeə/
🄰 vt.
1.(fix, mend)修理;修补;修缮

Goldsmith has repaired the roof.戈德史密斯已经将屋顶修缮好。

to have sth repairedorto get sth repaired找人维修某物

I got the washing machine repaired.我让人修理了洗衣机。

2.+ damage弥补;补救;+ relationship修复

The government continued to try to repair the damage caused by the minister's interview.政府不断努力弥补该部长的采访带来的不良影响。

The first and most important thing was to repair my relationship with my father.最重要的是修复我和父亲的关系。

🄱 vi.
<正式>(to a place)去;前往

We then repaired to the pavilion for lunch.然后我们就去休息室吃午饭了。





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