

单词 removal
释义 removal¹ /rɪˈmuːvəl/ n.
1.(taking away)+of object移动;挪走;+of person搬走;搬离

the removal of debris from the premises把碎石砾从建筑中清走

the removal of a child from its family使孩子和家人分离

2.【手术】+of organ, tumour切除;摘除

surgical removal of a tumour肿瘤的手术切除

3.+of problem, threat, grievance消除;+of restriction取消;除去

the removal of trade restrictions取消贸易限制

4.+of stain去除, 清除;+of hair剪去

stain removal去污

hair removal剪发
5.<英>(transporting furniture)搬迁;搬运
6.(from office)免职;开除
removal from sth从…免职

They called for her removal from office.他们要求辞退她。

Parliament decided that his removal from power was illegal.议会认为对他的罢免是违法的。

7.(deletion)+of name, word删除;删去
8.【政】(forced displacement)(某一群体由于政治或社会原因的)被迫迁移, 背井离乡
9.<正式>(taking off)+of clothing, shoes脱下;脱掉
removal² /rɪˈmuːvəl/ comp.

They were in the furniture removal business.他们曾经营搬家业务。





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