

单词 reference
释义 reference¹ /ˈrefərəns; ˈrefrəns/ n.

Make notes during lectures for reference later on.听讲座的时候记些笔记以便今后参考。

Please keep this sheet in a safe place for reference.把这张纸放在稳妥之处以备查阅。

2.【律】(for arbitration)(法律诉讼等的)提交
3.(note; in book)(书中的)注释, 标注
a list of references注释列表
4.(book, passage)引文;参考书
a reference from the Quran来自《可兰经》的引文

historical references历史典故

a reference to sth/sb提到某事/某人

There is no further reference to him in her diary.她的日记里没有再提到他。

That must be a reference to Shakespeare.那肯定是出自莎士比亚的典故。

to make a reference to sth提及某事

The court heard how Allan made a reference to poison while chatting with a pal.法庭听取了艾伦与朋友闲聊时如何提到毒药的陈述。

He made no reference to the murder.他没有提谋杀的事。

6.【哲】(between word and idea, etc)(词与其所指对象之间的)相互关系;(词的)所指意义
7.【哲】(object referred to)所指对象;所指事物
8.(source of information)(信息、事实的)出处, 来源
9.(for job application;letter)(求职用的)推荐信, 介绍信

Would you please give me a reference?能请您帮我写封推荐信吗?

10.(for job application;person)介绍人;推荐人;证明人
all people, without reference to sexorage所有人, 无论性别和年龄
12.=reference number
(on letter, order, application)编号;索引
please quote (this) reference请注明此编号
13.=map reference
for future reference可供今后参考;备查

Read these notes carefully and keep them for future reference.仔细阅读这些笔记, 并将它们存留以备后查。

point of reference
(fact)(评估一事物的)参照依据, 参照标准
terms of reference
(limits of responsibility)授权调查范围;权限;职责范围
with/in reference to sth
(in relation to; in letter, etc)关于

I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists.我致信是为了回应你那篇关于科学家薪酬的文章。

I'm calling in reference to your series on prejudice.我打电话是要谈谈你有关“偏见”的系列文章。

reference² /ˈrefərəns; ˈrefrəns/ comp.
1.+ book, library参考的;参考用的

a useful reference work for teachers有用的教师用书

reference book参考书

2.(denoting relationship)关系的;关联的
a reference group参照组
reference³ /ˈrefərəns; ˈrefrəns/ vt.
1.+ thesis, publication提供…作为参考;列出…以供参考
2.(refer to)提及;论及

It specifically referenced Hermann Noordung's classic 1928 book on this subject.在这一问题上它特别提到了赫尔曼•诺丁1928年的经典之作。

reference⁴ /ˈrefərəns; ˈrefrəns/缩写为re prep.




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