

单词 reduce
释义 reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/
🄰 vt.
1.+ amount, volume, demand削减;+ risk, stress减轻;+ level, scale, heat降低;+ emissions, pollution减少

The reduced consumer demand is affecting company profits.消费者需求的减少影响了公司的盈利。

It reduces the risks of heart disease.这会降低患心脏病的风险。

to reduce sth from sth to sth把…从…减少到…

The workforce was reduced from 13,000 to 7,500.职工人数从13,000人减少到了7,500人。

to reduce sth by sth把…减少…

Consumption is being reduced by 25 per cent.消耗量减少了25%。

'Reduce speed now'“现在减速”

2.to reduce sb/sth to sth
(change state or condition to)使…陷入;使…沦为

Politics has been reduced to class struggle.政治已经沦为阶级斗争。

They were reduced to extreme poverty.他们陷入极端贫困的状态。

He was reduced to despair.他陷入了绝望。

to be reduced to dust化为灰尘
to be reduced to ashes化为灰烬
to be reduced to rubble变成瓦砾
to be reduced to doing sth沦为做某事的境地

He was reduced to begging for a living.他沦落到了行乞为生的地步。


The whole country was reduced after three months.整个国家三个月后沦陷。

4.+ goods削减…的价格

The shirt was reduced in the sale.这件衬衫在此次促销活动中降价出售。

to reduce sth to sth把…的价格减到…

The shoes I liked were reduced to £35.我喜欢的那双鞋降价到了35英镑。

to reduce sb from sth to sth把…从…降为…
to be reduced to the ranks降为士兵

His theories have been reduced in a popular treatise.他的理论在一篇颇受欢迎的论著中得到了归纳。

7.【数】+ expression, equation约化;简化
8.【烹】+ liquid, sauce(通过蒸发)使浓缩变稠

Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half.用小平底锅炖, 收一半汤汁。

to reduce sth to a syrup把某物浓缩为糖浆
9.(dilute)+ paint使调稀;使冲淡;使稀释
10.【化】(cause to react with hydrogen)使发生氢化反应;给…加氢;使还原
11.【化】(cause to lose oxygen atoms)使去氧;使还原
12.【化】(cause to gain electrons)增加…的电子数
13.【摄】+ negative, print减薄
14.【手术】+ bone使复位
15.【生】(cause to undergo meiosis)使减数分裂
🄱 vi.
1.(become smaller)减少;缩小;削减;降低

This means the fund is reducing by about $100 a year.这意味着资金正在以每年100美元的量减少。

Unemployment is reducing along with smoking.失业率降低的同时, 吸烟人数也减少了。

2.<尤美>(become slimmer)减轻体重;减肥

He has kept himself fit with physical exercise so though he's reduced in weight he's very strong still.他通过锻炼保持身体健康, 因此即便他体重减轻了, 但依旧很强壮。

3.【烹】liquid, sauce +浓缩变稠

Simmer until mixture reduces.用小火煨至汤汁收浓。

4.【化】(react with hydrogen)氢化反应;加氢;还原
5.【化】(lose oxygen atoms)去氧;还原
6.【化】(gain electrons)增加电子数
7.【生】(undergo meiosis)减数分裂
8.to reduce sb to silence令某人哑口无言

Her challenge reduced them to silence.她的质问让他们哑口无言。

9.to reduce sb to tears令某人流泪

The attentions of the media reduced her to tears.媒体的过度关注令她伤心落泪。





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