

单词 reckoning
释义 reckoning /ˈrekənɪŋ/ n.

According to his reckoning, Blake already owed him nearly £550.按照他的估算, 布莱克已欠自己快550英镑了。

By his own reckoning, he had taken five hours to get there.他估计自己花了五个小时才到那里。

By my reckoning we were seven or eight kilometres from the village.依照我的估算, 我们离村庄还有七八公里远。


The moment of reckoning is approaching.算账的时刻就要来了。

See alsoday of reckoning
3.=dead reckoning
4.to be in the reckoning【体】<英>在考虑范围之内的

He must surely be in the reckoning for the French World Cup squad.他肯定是法国队征战世界杯的人选。

5.to be out of the reckoning【体】<英>不在考虑范围之内

Wayne Rooney is now out of the reckoning after his midweek injury.韦恩•鲁尼在周中受伤, 已不在考虑范围之内。





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