

单词 receipt
释义 receipt¹ /rɪˈsiːt/ n.
1.缩写为rcpt、rect、rec't或rept【商】(proof of purchase; for goods, services, rent)收据;收条
(for taxi)发票

I wrote her a receipt for the money.我收到钱后给她写了一张收据。

Remember to get a receipt for the parcel.记得要张包裹收据单。

Obtain and keep all receipts for taxi fares.收取并保存好所有的出租车发票。

the receipt for last week's rent上周租金的收据

2.<正式>(act of receiving)收到

We cannot acknowledge receipt of letters.我们无法告知信已收到。

on receipt of sthorupon receipt of sth在收到…时;一收到…

Goods should be supplied within 28 days after the receipt of your order.我方在接到贵方订单后28天内供货。

3.<古>=recipe¹, 1
in receipt of sth<正式>+ pension, benefits, letter, parcel已收到…

I am in receipt of a pension.我收到退休金了。

We are taking action, having been in receipt of a letter from him.我们已经收到他的信, 正在采取行动。

receipt² /rɪˈsiːt/ vt.
1.+ bill在…上注明“收讫”字样

a receipted hotel bill一张注明收讫的宾馆账单

2.+ money, goods给…开收据;签收

The food was receipted at $180.食物开具了180美元的发票。





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