

单词 ready
释义 ready¹ /ˈredɪ/ adj.(readier,readiest)
1.(prepared)(某人)准备好的, 准备完毕的, 准备就绪的

Are you ready to board, Mr Daly?你准备好登机了吗, 戴利先生?

She's nearly ready.她快准备好了。

(in restaurant)person +准备好点菜了

Are you ready to order?您现在点菜吗?

(prepared for)为…做好准备

I'm not ready for another relationship.我还没有准备好投入另一段感情。

(ready to face any challenge)做好准备面对一切挑战
to get ready做准备

She's getting ready to go out.她正在为外出做准备。

to get sb ready使某人准备好

get the children ready for school让孩子们准备好去上学

+ answer, explanation, reply准备好…

Shouldn't the Senator have been ready with an explanation?参议员不是应该早就准备好一套说辞了吗?

He was ready with his reply.他已经想好了自己的答案。

2.(able to be used)(物品)准备好的, 可用的

Your breakfast's ready!你的早餐做好了!

to be ready for sth备好以便…

Keep several meals in your freezer ready for use.将几餐食物备好放入冰箱备用。

The cocaine was ready for distribution.那些可卡因已经准备好可以卖了。

to be ready to do sth达到做某事的条件;可以做某事

In a few days time the fruit will be ready to eat.再过几天这种水果就可以吃了。

to get sth ready准备好…备用

Go and get the boat ready.去把船准备好。

He told his pilot to get the aircraft ready.他告诉飞行员给飞机做好起飞准备。

He's getting the dinner ready.他在准备晚餐。


He's always ready to help.他向来乐于助人。

They were ready to die for their beliefs.他们甘愿为信仰而死。

She was always ready to give interviews.她一向乐意接受采访。

4.(prompt)+ smile, answer立即的;迅速的

She always has a ready smile.她的脸上总是挂着微笑。

I didn't have a ready answer for this dilemma.我一时想不出解决这个困境的答案。

5.(intelligent)+ wit机敏的;机灵的

His warmth and ready wit endears him to everyone.他的热情和机敏使他深受众人喜爱。

6.(about to)马上要…的;可能会…的

It's like a volcano ready to erupt.这就像一座即将喷发的火山。

She looked ready to cry.她看起来就要哭出来了。

7.ready for sth
(feeling like, wanting)需要…的;想要…的

I'm ready for bed.我要睡觉了。

I was ready for a change.我想要改变一下。

8.(old enough)准备好的;胜任的;适龄的

She says she's not ready for marriage.她说自己还不到结婚的时候。

9.(available)+ supply, source现成的;可获得的

a ready supply of well-trained workers现成的训练有素的劳动力

a ready source of money现成的资金来源

(plenty of customers)为…找到良好销路
10.to be ready and waiting准备就绪;(某人)整装待发;(某物)备好待用

When she arrived Alice was ready and waiting.当她到达时, 艾丽斯已经准备好在等着了。

They're ready and waiting with their cameras.他们已经把相机架好等着拍了。

A cool beer was ready and waiting for me.一杯清凉的啤酒已经给我准备好了。

11.ready to hand在手边
12.ready, steady, go!<口>各就各位, 预备, 跑!
13.ready when you are<口>准备好了, 就等你了
ready² /ˈredɪ/ n.
1.at the ready
(in position to be used)随时可用;即可使用

with pen at the ready钢笔已经备好

He approached the counter, chequebook at the ready.他准备好支票簿, 走近柜台。

2.at the ready【军】(in position to be fired)(步枪)子弹上膛的

The troops advanced with their guns at the ready.荷枪实弹的士兵们向前进发。

3.the ready
=ready money
ready³ /ˈredɪ/ vt.

Cameramen readied tripods.摄像师们架好了三脚架。





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