

单词 read
释义 read¹ /riːd/(reads,reading,read)
🄰 vt.
1.+ book, paper, poem, novel读;阅读

Have you read 'Animal Farm'?你读过《动物农场》吗?

We read the Daily Mail.我们看《每日邮报》。

to read that …读到…
to read sth to sb读…给某人听
to read sb a story给某人读故事

I read them a story before tucking them in.我给他们读了个故事, 才掖好被子让他们入睡。

newsreader +播报新闻
3.(perceive the meaning or nature of)+ foreign language读懂;+ map, signs看懂;+ situation认清

Only one person in the party could actually read a map.这伙人当中只有一个能真正看懂地图。

to read sb's mind看出某人的心思
to read sb's thoughts看出某人的想法

As if he could read her thoughts, Benny said, 'You're free to go any time you like.'本尼似乎看透了她的心思, 对她说, “你要想走, 随时可以走。”

4.(interpret in a particular way)理解;解读
to read sth as sth将…解读为…

The play is being widely read as an allegory of imperialist conquest.这部剧被广泛解读为对帝国主义征服的讽刺。

5.【音】读, 识(乐谱)
to read music识谱
6.【计】(obtain data from)+ file, document读;读取

My machine can't read your disks.你的盘我的机器读不出来。

7.(be worded)sign, notice +写着;标着

The sign on the bus read 'Private: Not In Service'.巴士的标牌上写着“私家车, 不营运”。

8.(adopt as correct wording)改作;写为

Most editors read 'headstrong steeds', but the First Folio has 'headstrong weeds'.大多数版本中作headstrong steeds, 但第一对开本中为headstrong weeds。


She read French and German at Cambridge University.她在剑桥大学学过法语和德语。

10.(show)instrument +读数为;显示

The thermometer read 43 degrees.温度计显示43度。

11.(take information from)+ thermometer, barometer, meter读取…的读数
12.(over radio;hear and understand)听到, 听明白(尤作无线电通信用语)
do you read me?你能听见我说话吗?
🄱 vi.
1.(understand written material)person +读;阅读;读懂

He couldn't read or write.他不会读写。

to read about sth读到…

I read about the accident in the newspaper.我在报纸上读到这起事故的消息。

to read from sth朗读…的内容
to read to sb读给某人听
3.(convey a meaning)letter, text +读起来

The text reads well.这篇文稿读起来很流畅。

to read like sth读起来像…
4.(be worded)措辞为;写明

The sentence in question reads as follows.有疑问的那句话是这样说的。

to read between the lines领悟字里行间的意思;看出言外之意
to read sb a lectureorto read sb a lesson<非正式>(尤指喋喋不休地)斥责某人, 训斥某人
to read sb like a book对某人了如指掌;看透某人
to take sth as read直接认定…;无需讨论即可肯定…

You can take it as read that I'll accept the job.你可以肯定地认为我会接受这份工作。

you wouldn't read about it<澳,非正式>难以置信, 不可思议, 太离谱了(用于表示沮丧、厌恶或怀疑)
Phrasal Verbsread back,read for,read in,read into,read out,read over,read through,read up
read² /riːd/ n.
1.(act of reading)阅读
to have a read进行阅读
to have a read of sth阅读…

Could you have a quick read of this draft and tell me if you think it's OK?你能快速把初稿读一遍、说说它怎么样吗?

2.(reading matter)读物;阅读材料
to be a good read是很好的读物

Ben Okri's latest novel is a good read.本•奥克瑞新出版的小说很耐读。





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