

单词 rank
释义 rank¹ /ræŋk/ n.
1.(position, grade; in organization, society)地位;等级;级别;(尤指)军阶, 军衔

The former head of counter-intelligence had been stripped of his rank and privileges.反情报机构的前任长官已经被革职并剥夺了特权。

officers of equivalent rank in the other branches其他部门的同级官员

the rank of captain上尉(或上校)军衔

He eventually rose to the rank of captain.他最后升到了上尉军衔。

people from the upper and middle ranks of society社会中上层人士

Each rank of the peerage was represented.每个贵族阶层都有代表。

a person of high rank地位高的人

He must be treated as a hostage of high rank, not as a common prisoner.必须把他当成高级人质来对待, 而不能像对待普通囚犯那样。


Ranks of police guarded the entrance to the base.一排排警察守卫着基地入口。

She smiled at the ranks of cameras.她对着一排排的照相机微笑。

5.<英>(taxi rank)出租车候客处

The man led the way to the taxi rank.那人带路来到了出租车候客处。

He walked towards the first taxi on the rank.他向候客处的第一辆出租车走去。

6.(line of soldiers)(士兵的)横列, 行列
10.to pull rank(当权者)仗势压人, 滥用职权

The Captain pulled rank and made his sergeant row the entire way.上校摆出上级的架子, 让他的中士划船划了一路。

to pull rank on sb利用职权支使某人;仗势欺压某人
rank² /ræŋk/
🄰 vt.

The report ranks the U.K. 20th out of 22 advanced nations.该报告将英国排在22个发达国家中的第20位。

He was at the time ranked 10th in the world and had a regular place in the Swedish Davis Cup team.他那时排名世界第10, 并且是瑞典戴维斯杯队的主力队员。

Investors ranked South Korea high among Asian nations.在亚洲各国当中, 投资者很看重韩国。

18 per cent of women ranked sex as very important in their lives.18%的妇女认为在她们的生活中性是非常重要的。

Since the 1930s, cancer has always been ranked as the disease people are most concerned about.自从20世纪30年代以来, 癌症一直被列为人类最关注的疾病。

I rank him sixth.我把他排在第6。

to be ranked sth排名为…

She is ranked third in the world.她世界排名第3。

to rank students by their test scores按考试成绩对学生排序
🄱 vi.
1.(be classed)被列入;被分在;位居

Mr Short does not even rank in the world's top ten.肖特先生甚至没有进入世界前10名。

His prices rank high among those of other contemporary photographers.在同时代的摄影师当中, 他的要价很高。

to rank twentieth排名第20位

The British player already ranks twentieth.这位英国运动员已经跻身第20位。

to rank among sth跻身于…之列

His pictures rank among the best ever painted.他的画跻身有史以来最佳画作之列。

to rank as sth可算得上…;属于…

The island ranks as one of the poorest of the whole region.这个岛可以说是整个地区最贫困的地方之一。

2.(be important, rate)位列;名列

a performance of heroic calibre that must rank with the most memorable in international rugby一定是国际橄榄球赛中最令人难忘的一场荡气回肠的比赛

As a novel, Nineteen Eighty-four hardly ranks with the greats.作为一部小说, 《一九八四》很难跻身伟大作品之列。

3.<主美>(take precedence)处于最高地位;优先于他人

The colonel ranks at this camp.在这个营地, 上校有最高指挥权。

rank³ /ræŋk/ adj.
2.(offensive)+ smell刺鼻的;难闻的;恶臭的
to be rank with sth充满…的臭气

The kitchen was rank with the smell of drying uniforms.厨房里到处都是烘干制服的难闻气味。

3.(utter)+ hypocrisy, injustice完全的;十足的

The rank outsiders, Cameroon, beat the defending champions, Argentina, by one goal to nil.完全不被看好的喀麦隆队以1比0击败了卫冕冠军阿根廷队。

horse, person +是冷门;不被看好

His language was rank.他说话很粗鄙。





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