

单词 purse
释义 purse¹ /pɜːs/ n.
1.<英>(for money)钱包;(尤指装硬币的)小钱袋

There was just £10 in her purse.她的钱包里只有10英镑。

2.<美,加拿大>(handbag)(女士的)手提包, 手提袋

She reached in her purse for cigarettes.她把手伸进手提包里拿烟。

3.(resembling small bag)袋状物;类似小包的东西

A smart card becomes an electronic purse when money is credited to the card via an electronic reader.当钱通过电子阅读器存入一张智能卡中时, 这张卡就变成了一个电子钱包。


If you had a bottomless purse and could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?如果你有花不完的钱, 并且能够在世界上任何地方生活, 那么你会去哪里?

the public purse国库

The money could simply go into the public purse, helping to lower taxes.钱可以直接归入国库, 有助于减税。

5.(prize money; in sport, contest)一笔钱;(尤指)一笔奖金

This year she wants the big prize from the £1 million purse.今年她想从100万英镑的奖金中得到大奖。

with a purse of sth以…的一笔奖金

The Adelaide tournament will be called the Jacobs Creek Open with a purse of £1 million.阿德莱德锦标赛将被称为雅各布溪公开赛, 奖金为100万英镑。

purse² /pɜːs/ vt.

I shrugged and Gloria pursed her mouth in a self-satisfied smirk.我耸了耸肩, 格洛丽亚沾沾自喜地笑着噘起了嘴。

to purse your lips噘起嘴

He pursed his lips in distaste.他厌恶地噘起嘴。

She pursed her lips in disapproval.她不赞成地噘起嘴。





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