

单词 pump
释义 pump¹ /pʌmp/ n.
1.(for circulating gas or liquid)水泵;抽气机
(for inflating sth)打气筒;气泵
(for getting water)抽水机

pumps that circulate the fuel around the engine使燃料在发动机里循环的油泵

I can't find the pump for the inflatable mattress.我找不到充气床垫的打气筒了。

There was no water in the building, just a pump in the courtyard.楼里没水, 只是在院子里有一台抽水机。

See alsopetrol pump petrol pump

We used to wear pumps for gym at school.我们过去在学校上体操课时常常穿橡胶底帆布鞋。

3.<英>(for dancing)(尤指跳舞时穿的)无带浅帮矮跟鞋

There was a pair of pumps by the bed.床边有一双无带矮跟舞鞋。

4.<尤美>(for women)平底无带女鞋
5.(for formal occasions)(常指擦得光亮的)男士正装鞋
the pump of her heart心脏供血
all hands to the pump人人出力;人人参加

It is all hands to the pump and we are getting help from forces throughout the country.这是众志成城的时刻, 全国各种团体的人都向我们伸出援手。

to prime the pump<尤美>促进(尤指经济的)发展

the use of tax money to prime the pump of the state's economy利用税收扶持国家经济发展

pump² /pʌmp/
🄰 vt.
1.+ gas, liquid用泵抽;抽吸

John went to the cast-iron pump and started pumping water to drink.约翰走到铸铁泵前, 开始抽水喝。

drill rigs that are busy pumping natural gas不停地开采天然气的钻机

+ liquid把…抽进…中

They will dig bore holes to pump water into the dried-up lake.他们会打些眼把水抽进干涸的湖中。

A new textile factory was pumping its waste into the river.一家新建的纺织厂把废水排放到了河里。

+ air把…充进…中

He was pumping air into the mattress.他正在给床垫充气。

2.+ stomach使清空;清洗
to have your stomach pumped进行洗胃

She was released from hospital yesterday after having her stomach pumped.她昨天洗胃后就出院了。

to pump money into sth在…上投入大量资金

Government funds are being pumped into the ailing steel industry.大笔政府资金被投入面临困境的钢铁产业。

He had pumped all his savings into the business.他已经把全部积蓄都投到了这笔生意上。

4.<非正式>+ person
(for information, details)不断追问;套问

He ran in every five minutes to pump me about the case.他每隔五分钟就跑来追问我这件事。

Stop trying to pump information out of me.别再试图从我这儿打探消息了。

to pump sb for information向某人追问信息

He must have pumped Janey for details.他一定向珍妮追问了详细情况。

5.<非正式>+ bullets连续猛烈射击

Graham pumped four bullets into him.格雷厄姆朝他连开了四枪。

6.(in manner of a pump)使(手柄、控制杆等)像泵一样上下运动

She pumped the pedals of the bicycle.她上上下下蹬着自行车的脚踏板。

🄱 vi.
1.liquid +喷出;迸出

Oil pumped from the fissure.石油从裂缝中喷涌而出。

2.(like a pump)像泵一样运动

My heart was pumping.我的心怦怦直跳。

Age diminishes the heart's ability to pump harder and faster under exertion.随着年龄的增长, 心脏在高负荷下更有力、更快地跳动的能力减退了。

pump iron<非正式>举重

By day she pumps iron in a gym and jogs.白天她在健身房里练习举重和慢跑。

Phrasal Verbspump away,pump out,pump up




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