

单词 pull
释义 pull¹ /pʊl/
🄰 vt.

Pull the handle to ring the bell.拉那个把手让铃响起来。

The dentist had pulled the wrong tooth.这位牙医拔错了牙。

I pulled a blanket around my shoulders.我拉出一条毯子披在肩上。

to pull sb's hair扯某人头发
to pull the door open把门拉开
to pull the trigger扣动扳机
2.to pull sth/sb from sthorto pull sth/sb out of sth
(take out)把…从…拉出

Jack pulled the slip of paper from his shirt pocket.杰克从衬衣口袋里拿出了纸条。

She was pulled from the rubble of the building.她被人从那栋楼的废墟里拉了出来。

3.(draw along)+ cart, carriage牵引;拉动

He pulls a rickshaw.他拉人力车。

The van was pulling a heavy trailer.那辆厢式货车拉着一辆重载拖车。


He pulled himself slowly to his feet.他慢慢挣扎着站起身来。

She tried to pull her hand free.她想把自己的手挣脱开。

5.(draw)+ gun, knife掏出;抽出;拔出
to pull a knife/gun on sb拔刀/枪对着某人
6.(close)+ curtain, blind拉上

The nurse pulled a curtain around my bed.护士拉上了我的床位四周的帘子。

7.(bring in)+ visitors, audience吸引;招徕
<尤美>+ voters拉拢
to pull a crowd引来大批人
8.(strain)+ muscle, tendon拉伤

He appeared to pull a hamstring and had to limp off.他好像拉伤了腿筋, 只好一瘸一拐地下了场。

9.(influence strongly)吸引;影响

She sometimes felt pulled in too many directions.她有时觉得自己受到过多外界因素左右。

10.<英,非正式>+ sexual partner勾引到, 搭上(一夜情对象)

He always manages to pull a girl when he's out clubbing.他出去逛夜店的时候总能搭上个姑娘跟他过夜。

11.to pull a pint<英>(in pub)(在酒吧拉动啤酒桶把手)汲出啤酒, 打出啤酒

Her arms ached from pulling pints.她打啤酒打到胳膊酸痛。

12.(remove entrails from)+ chicken, turkey掏出…的内脏
13.to pull a stuntorto pull a trick<非正式>(carry out)耍花招;玩花样

He pulled a really mean trick on his sister.他对妹妹耍了个非常卑鄙的花招。


She pulled her car up onto the verge.她把车开上了路肩。

15.(cancel)+ advertisement, story撤下;撤掉;+ performance取消;+ commitment收回

The editor pulled the article at the last minute.编辑在最后一刻撤下了那篇文章。

16.+ player, performer把…撤下

He was pulled from the team.他被排除在队员名单之外。

17.【印】+ proof打印

Only a few copies were pulled.只打印了几份。

18.【体】(cause to veer)把(球)打偏
20.【体】(in hurling)(爱尔兰曲棍球运动中)顺势击(球)
21.【体】+ oar, boat
22.【体】(be rowed by)boat +靠…划动
🄱 vi.

Pull as hard as you can.尽最大力量去拉。

'Pull'(on door)门上的“拉”字指示

to pull at sth拉着某物
2.(move)driver, vehicle +行驶

He pulled into the driveway.他把车开进了车道。

The train pulled to a halt at the platform.火车开到站台停了下来。

3.(exert an influence)施加影响;强烈吸引

The two factions are pulling in different directions.两个派别从不同方面施加影响。

4.(when braking)(刹车时)跑偏
to pull to the left/right向左/向右跑偏
5.vehicle, engine +有足够牵引力

It pulls well, even in top gear.这辆车牵引力大, 即使挂高速挡也很好。

7.<非正式>(attract a sexual partner)得手(指搭上性伙伴)

Did you pull tonight?你今晚得手了吗?

8.【马术】(resist rider)horse +(马在骑手勒缰时)挣扎反抗
it's like pulling teeth像拔牙那么困难
not to pull your punchesornot to pull any punches(批评时)单刀直入, 直言不讳

The manager didn't pull his punches at half time.主教练在半场休息时毫不客气地批评了球员。

to pull a faceSeeface¹
to pull a fast oneSeefast¹
to pull your head in<澳,非正式>把头缩回去;别言语

My advice to them is to pull their heads in if they can't say anything constructive.我给他们的建议是:如果说不出什么建设性的内容就低眉顺眼别说话。

to pull sb's legSeeleg¹
pull the other one (it's got bells on)<英,非正式>别逗了;别打哈哈了
to pull sth to piecesorto pull sth to bits
(criticize)+ argument, statement, piece of work批驳;驳斥

The critics pulled the play to pieces.评论家们把这个剧批得体无完肤。

to pull a punch【拳】控制出拳力度;(尤指)故意轻击

Muhammad Ali's greatest rival has never pulled a punch.穆罕默德·阿里的头号劲敌从来没打过假拳。

to pull your socks upSeesock¹
to pull stringsSeestring¹
to pull the stringsSeestring¹
to pull sb up short
(cause to stop suddenly)使某人突然停下来

She recognized at the same instant Rachel's presence. It pulled her up short.她同时意识到了蕾切尔在场, 便赶紧止住了话头。

to pull your weightSeeweight¹
Phrasal Verbspull about,pull ahead,pull along,pull apart,pull around,pull at,pull away,pull back,pull down,pull for,pull in,pull into,pull off,pull on,pull out,pull over,pull round,pull through,pull together,pull up
pull² /pʊl/ interj.
pull³ /pʊl/ n.

I felt a pull on my sleeve.我觉得袖子被人拉了一下。

to give sth a pull拉某物一下
2.【物】(physical force)+of moon, magnet牵引(力)

the pull of gravity重力牵引

3.(emotional attraction)+of homeland, idea, the past吸引力

The idea of living abroad still exerted a strong pull.到国外生活的想法仍然有强烈的吸引力。

4.(on a drink)饮用;(尤指)喝酒
to take a pull at sthorto take a pull on sth喝一口…

She took a long pull at her whisky and water.她喝了一大口加水威士忌。

5.(on a cigarette)吸;吸食
to take a pull on sthorto take a pull at sth吸一口…

She took a last pull on her cigarette, then stubbed it out.她最后吸了一口香烟, 然后把它掐灭了。


She has a lot of pull with top management.她对高级管理层有很大的影响力。

7.(audience appeal)感召力;号召力
a light pull电灯开关拉绳头
10.<美>(difficult task)难事;艰苦工作

It's been a long pull.这是件苦差事。

12.(difficult climb)跋涉;艰苦的攀爬
13.【体】(period of rowing)划船
14.【体】(single stroke)(一次)划桨动作
15.【体】(in cricket, golf)打偏球;击向左场
16.【射击,射箭】+of trigger, bowstring扳机力;拉弓力
17.to be in sth for the long pull<美>不搞定…不罢休;对…志在必得;打定主意把…进行到底

We want to make it clear that we are in this deal for the long pull.我们想要明确的是, 我们对这桩交易志在必得。

18.on the pull<英,非正式>寻找艳遇
19.over the long pull<美>长期来看




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