

单词 puddle
释义 puddle¹ /ˈpʌdəl/ n.
1.+of water(尤指雨水的)小水坑, 水洼

The road was shiny with puddles, but the rain was at an end.马路上到处都是闪着亮光的水洼, 但雨停了。

The children were splashing in the puddles.孩子们踩溅着水洼中的水。

puddles of sth一洼洼的…

Puddles of muddy water lay in the lane.小路上有一摊摊泥水。

2.+of any liquid一摊

puddles of oil一摊油

The paints had all formed a puddle on her palette.颜料在她的调色板上融成一摊。


Layers of puddle were used to build the wall upwards.用了层层胶泥修筑上方的墙体。


The puddle was very dark when the blade came out of the water.桨叶出水时, 形成很深的水涡。

puddle² /ˈpʌdəl/
🄰 vt.
1.【建】+ clay将…制成胶泥

The clay had been well puddled.这种黏土被制成了很好的胶泥。

2.【冶】+ iron搅炼

They were contracted to puddle iron.他们承包了搅炼生铁的活儿。

🄱 vi.
1.(in shallow water)涉水;踩水;搅水

The women puddle about elbow-deep in washing-up water.女人们在齐肘深的洗衣水里来回搅和着。

The children puddled around busily at the pump.孩子们在抽水机旁忙着踩水花。

2.(mess about)瞎搞;胡闹;弄乱

There they sat, organized and efficient, while we puddled around our mismatched collection of mostly improvised camping gear.他们井然有序、动作高效地坐在那儿, 而我们则还在瞎摆弄那堆不成套的、多数是临时拼凑起来的露营工具。





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