

单词 pry
释义 pry¹ /praɪ/ n.( 复pries)

Guy used a pry on the lock, and it gave way pretty easy.盖伊用一个撬杆撬锁, 锁很容易就撬开了。

pry² /praɪ/(pries,prying,pried)
🄰 vi.

Imelda might think she was prying.伊梅尔达可能认为她在刺探别人的隐私。

She was always prying and giving advice.她总是好管闲事, 给别人提建议。

to pry into sth打探…

We do not want people prying into our affairs.我们不希望别人窥探我们的私事。

🄱 vt.

She ripped a fingernail in prying the lid up.她在撬起盖子时把指甲弄断了。

to pry open sth把···撬开

They pried open a sticky can of blue paint.他们撬开了一个黏糊糊的蓝色油漆桶。

He pried open a clam shell.他撬开了一个蛤壳。


their attempts to pry the names from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms他们从美国酒精、烟草和武器管理局那里打探那些名字的企图

Phrasal Verbpry off




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