

单词 attend
释义 attend /əˈtend/
🄰 vt.
1.(go to)+ meeting, talk, conference, lecture出席;参加

I haven't attended any lectures since last term.上学期以来, 我没有上过任何课。

I stopped off in London to attend a conference.我途中在伦敦停留, 参加了一个会议。

Thousands of people attended the funeral.数千人参加了葬礼。

2.(go to)+ school, church, course上(学);去(教堂);上(课)

He hasn't attended church for several weeks now.他已经好几周没有去教堂了。

3.+ patient照顾;照料;护理

Throughout our visit he would often leave to attend a patient.在我们拜访的整个期间, 他时常要离开去照顾一位病人。

4.(pay attention to)注意;倾听

a high temperature attended by a severe cough伴随有剧烈咳嗽的发热

6.(follow as consequence of)作为…的后果

fearful of the fate which might attend surrender对投降之后的命运所感到的恐惧

8.<古>(wait for)等候;期待
🄱 vi.
1.(be present at event)出席

We want the maximum number of people to attend to help us cover our costs.我们希望有尽量多的人参加, 以帮我们承担费用。

2.(go regularly to school, church)经常去
an incentive to attend regularly经常去的动机
3.(give care)照料;护理
4.(pay attention)注意;倾听
5.(follow as consequence)作为后果;伴随
Phrasal Verbsattend on,attend to,attend upon




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