

单词 accent
释义 accent¹ /ˈæksənt/ n.

He had never lost his accent.他从来没有改过自己的口音。

to have a … accent有…口音

He had developed a slight American accent.他已经有轻微的美国口音了。

to speak with an accent说话带有口音

She speaks with a slight Australian accent.她说话带轻微的澳大利亚口音。

to have a strong accent有很重的口音

She has a strong Glaswegian accent.她有很重的格拉斯哥口音。

2.【语言】(syllabic stress)音节重音

The accent is on the last syllable.重音在最后一个音节。

The accent falls on the second syllable.重音落在第二个音节。

3.【语言】(written mark indicating pronunciation)音质符号
4.【语言】(written mark indicating syllabic stress)音节重音符号
5.(emphasis, stress)重点;重心
an accent on sth…的重心

The accent is on presentation in this contest.重要的是在此次竞赛中的表现。

Yoga is non-aerobic, the accent being on the importance of the correct alignment of the body.瑜伽是非有氧运动, 强调的是身体位置正确的重要性。

There is often a strong accent on material success.人们往往看重物质成功。

to put the accent on sth强调…

He is putting the accent on military readiness.他在强调军事准备的重要性。

6.(distinctive characteristic)特点;特色

There is a distinctly French accent to the food here.这里的食物有明显的法国特色。

7.(contrasting detail)(增强视觉效果的)高光
a blue rug with red accents带高光红色的蓝地毯
8.【语言】(in tone languages)(中文等某些语言中的)声调
10.【音】(symbol showing stress)重音(记号)
12.【数】(表示特定单位的)撇号上标(如英尺(′), 英寸 (″), 弧度中的分(′)和秒(″))
accent² /ækˈsent/ vt.
1.【语言】(in speech, music)重读;以重音演唱

Television anchorpersons add interest to their monologues by accenting a few syllables chosen at random.电视节目主持人通过随意加重几个音节来调节单调的播报。


Group grey plants to brighten or accent an entrance or a front door.把银灰色植物集中摆设, 衬亮或突出入口或前门。

Willie had warm coffee-coloured skin that accented a pair of huge lady-killer eyes.威利的咖啡色皮肤给人以温暖的感觉, 突出了他那双令女人倾倒的大眼睛。

3.【语言】(in writing)加重音符号




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