

单词 protect
释义 protect /prəˈtekt/ vt.
1.(defend)+ person, thing, rights, interests保护;防护

The plants still need protecting at this time of year.植物在每年的这个时节仍需要保护。

Protect the floor by covering it with plastic sheeting.通过铺一层塑料膜来保护地板。

Protect the child's ears.护住孩子的耳朵。

Individual freedoms must be protected.个人自由必须得到保护。

to protect sb/sth from sthorto protect sb/sth against sth保护…免受…

She had his umbrella to protect her from the rain.她有他的伞来挡雨。

A purple headscarf protected her head against the wind.一条紫色头巾为她挡风。

Bark can be used to protect the plants against slugs.茎皮可用来保护植物免受鼻涕虫的侵害。

to protect sb from sb保护某人不受某人的伤害

It sought an injunction in order to protect women from this man.它寻求禁制令以保护女人免受这个男人的伤害。

+ disease, harm, cold保护自己免受…

What can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?女性怎样做才能使自己不得心脏病呢?

one of the best ways for countries to protect themselves against erratic behaviour by the financial markets各国保护自己免受反复无常的金融市场影响的最佳方式之一

2.【经】(assist industry)(对进口物资征收保护性关税以)保护(国内工业)
3.【商】(provide funds)备款以支付(期票、汇票等);备付




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