

单词 attempt
释义 attempt¹ /əˈtempt/ n.

She gave up after several attempts.尝试几次后, 她放弃了。

an attempt to do sth做某事的努力

It was a deliberate attempt to mislead people.那是对人们的故意误导。

to make no attempt to do sth不想做某事

He made no attempt to help me.他不愿帮助我。

an attempt at sth试图达到…

He made an attempt at humour.他试图表现得幽默一些。

at the first attempt第一次尝试

The young birds manage to fly several kilometres at their first attempt.这些幼鸟第一次试飞就飞行了好几公里。

on the first attempt首次尝试

On the first attempt he made it no further than modern Morocco.首次尝试时, 他最远到达了今天的摩洛哥所在地。

2.(result of attempt)努力的结果;尝试的结果

It was not bad for a first attempt.对于首次尝试来说结果还不坏。


There were several attempts on her life.有人几次试图杀她。

to make an attempt on sb's life试图杀害某人;试图结束某人的生命

I have made two serious attempts on my life.我曾两次真的企图自杀。

attempt² /əˈtempt/
🄰 vt.

It was a long time since I had attempted any study.我已经很久没有学习了。

Before I could attempt a reply he laughed.我还没回答他就笑了。

2.+ obstacle努力克服
3.(try to climb)努力攀登;试图爬上

They will attempt the north wall of the Eiger.他们将尝试从北坡爬上艾格尔山。

🄱 vi.
to attempt to do sth努力做…;试图做…

They attempted to murder British soldiers.他们试图杀害英国士兵。

Usage Note
attempt作动词后接不定式时不能用被动语态,例如:attempts were made to find a solution(不能说a solution was attempted to be found)。




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