

单词 process
释义 process¹ /ˈprəʊses/ n.
1.(series of actions; natural)过程;进程

The regularity with which this occurs suggests that the process is genetically determined.这种现象出现的规律性表明该过程是由基因决定的。

the process by which protein is digested蛋白质的消化过程

factors that accelerate the ageing process加速衰老进程的因素

2.(method of doing something; general)程序;工序;制作方法;加工方法
a slow and laborious process费时费力的工序

The best way to proceed is by a process of elimination.继续进行下去的最佳方式是实行淘汰制。

the peace process和平进程

all stages in the process该工序的各阶段

to be in the process of doing sth在做某事的过程中;正在做某事

We are in the process of expanding our operations.我们正处于业务扩展阶段。

We're in the process of painting the kitchen.我们正在给厨房上漆。

Her novel is in the process of being turned into a television series.她的小说正在被拍成电视连续剧。

by a process of elimination借助排除法

By a process of elimination, the police had just two suspects left.警方借助排除法锁定了两名嫌犯。

3.(forward movement)进行;进展
forward process进展
4.(course of time)(时间的)推移
in due process of time随着时间的正常推移
5.【律】(summons, writ)传票
9.in the process在此过程中;与此同时

You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we die in the process.你得让我们自己奋斗, 哪怕我们会在这一过程中死去。

process² /ˈprəʊses/ comp.
1.【印,摄】+ artist照相制版的

His dad had a job as a process artist colour-inking the printing plates.他父亲是为印版上色的照相制版师。

2.【电影】+ film, scene, shot有特殊光效的;合成的

the early dances, films, and process pieces早期的舞蹈、电影及合成作品

process³ /ˈprəʊses/ vt.
1.(handle)+ application, order, request使走程序;处理

Patients took more than two hours to be processed through the department.病人在这个科看病花了两个多小时。

Allow ten days for your application to be processed.处理申请需要十天。

The police do not have the staff to process paperwork quickly.警方人手缺乏, 无法迅速处理文书工作。

We may not be able to process a balance transfer request.我们可能无法受理余额结转请求。

2.(treat, preserve)+ raw material, food处理;加工

Before processing the cheese, bring it to room temperature.加工前把奶酪恢复到室温。

fish which are processed by freezing, canning, or smoking以冷冻、罐装或熏制方法加工保存的鱼

The pulp is processed by the addition of bleach.纸浆加了漂白剂处理。

to be processed into sth被加工成某物

The material will be processed into plastic pellets.这些材料将会被加工成塑料小球。

Macphie processes meat into sausages and burgers.麦克菲公司把肉类加工成香肠和汉堡。

3.【律】(start proceedings against)起诉
4.【律】(serve process on)对…发出传票
5.【摄】+ exposed film冲洗;使显影

I've got film to process.我有胶卷要冲洗。

Most photographers who work in black and white process their own film.大多数从事黑白摄影的摄影师都自己冲洗胶片。

6.【摄】+ undeveloped film洗印;冲印

Kodak will process films and send back prints.柯达会冲印胶卷, 然后将照片寄回。

7.【计】+ information, data处理

The information will be processed by computers.这种信息将交给计算机处理。

8.(in food processor)+ food用料理机加工

Process cream cheese and tomato seeds until smooth.用料理机处理奶油干酪和番茄籽, 使其爽口。

process⁴ /ˈprəʊses/ vi.
<英,正式>(go in procession)列队行进

people processing southwestwards along the avenue沿着林荫道向西南方列队行进的人们





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