

单词 prime
释义 prime¹ /praɪm/ adj.
1.(excellent)+ quality最高的;+ site, location最优的;最佳的;+ meat最上等的

The meat must be of prime quality.这些肉的质量一定是最好的。

It was one of the City's prime sites.这是伦敦城最佳地段之一。

offices in a prime location位置极佳的办公室

a piece of prime beef一片上等牛肉

to be in prime condition在最佳情况下

The champion was in prime condition.当时这位冠军状态正佳。

to be a prime example of sth是某事的最好例证

This section of road is a prime example of bad traffic planning.这段公路是道路设计糟糕的最好例证。

2.(basic)+ requirement基础的;基本的;最初的

Maths is no longer a prime requirement for a career in accountancy.在会计职业中数学已不再是最基本的要求了。

3.(main)+ concern, suspect, target, candidate首位的;首要的;主要的

Political stability will be a prime concern.政治稳定将成为人们首要关心的事情。

She was a prime target for blackmail.她是敲诈勒索的首要目标。

The police will see me as the prime suspect.警方将把我列为头号嫌疑犯。

to be of prime importance是最重要的

The child's safety is of prime importance.这个孩子的安全是重中之重。

4.【数】(having no factors except itself or one)素的

x² + x + 3 is a prime polynomial.x² + x + 3是个素多项式。

5.to be prime to sth【数】(have no common factors)与…互素

20 is prime to 21.20与21互素。

6.【金融】(having best credit rating)最高信用等级的;信用等级最高的

prime investments最高信用等级投资

prime² /praɪm/
🄰 vt.

Their audiences are primed and at the ready.他们的观众都已经准备就绪。

to be primed to do sth准备做某事

I'm pretty much primed to believe anything bad about her.我已经准备好相信有关她的一切传言了。

to prime sb to do sth使某人准备好做某事

I had primed her to answer their questions simply and accurately.我已经让她准备好简洁准确地回答他们的问题。

2.(apply primer to)+ surface在…涂底漆;为…涂底色

Michael set up painting equipment and primed canvases.迈克尔支起绘画工具, 准备在画布上涂底色。

3.(fill with fluid)+ pump(通过注入燃料等)使…启动

Jack primed the pump.杰克把泵启动了。

4.(increase fuel in)+ carburettor给…注入燃料发动

He needed to prime the carburettor, but didn't have any containers.他需要给汽化器注入燃料使其启动, 但他没有容器。

5.(prepare for detonation or firing)+ gun, bomb为…装雷管(或火帽)

Tom keeps a primed shotgun in his office.汤姆在办公室放有一支装好子弹的猎枪。

He was priming the bomb to go off in an hour's time.他正在给炸弹装起爆药, 准备在一小时内引爆。

6.(brief)+ person事先为…提供消息;事先向…介绍基本情况

Marianne had not known until Arnold primed her that she was to be the sole female.直到阿诺德事先向她透露, 玛丽安娜才知道自己将是唯一的女性。

Claire wished she'd primed Sarah beforehand.克莱尔多么希望她事先告知过萨拉。

🄱 vi.
(operate with steam)steam engine, boiler +运行;启动
prime³ /praɪm/ n.
1.(best time)全盛时期;顶点

This formula helps to protect and nourish skin that is past its prime.这种配方帮助保护和滋养已过了最佳期的皮肤。

the Century Hotel in its prime全盛时期的世纪酒店

a career that hasn't yet reached its prime一项尚未达到鼎盛时期的事业

The garden is in its prime during the spring.花园在春天时最漂亮。

2.(period of vigour)青年;壮年

Maybe I'm just coming into my prime now.也许现在我正刚刚步入壮年期。

in the prime of your lifeorin the prime of lifeorin your prime在人生的盛年时期

a confident young woman in the prime of her life一个正当盛年的自信女青年

young people in the prime of life风华正茂的年轻人

I had been a good player in my prime.我在盛年时期, 可是个很出色的运动员。

past your prime已过壮年;风华不再

We've had a series of athletes trying to come back well past their prime.我们有许多运动员试图在早已过了盛年后再创辉煌。


For love is crowned with the prime.因为爱情在春天最美。

4.=prime number
5.【语言】(part of word)

Each semantic target is paired with a semantically related prime.每个语义目标都在语义上有相对应的语素。

7.【音】(tonic)+of scale主音;第一音;基音

a dominant prime一个主音

8.【史】(canonical hour)晨祷, 晨经(天主教七段祈祷时间中的第二段)

After prime, they go about their day's work.晨祷过后, 他们开始着手一天的工作。


a left-handed parry prime一种左手挡开的第一姿势





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