

单词 primary
释义 primary¹ /ˈpraɪmərɪ/ adj.
1.(first in importance)+ purpose, concern+ cause, reason主要的;首要的;重要的

The primary concern is to match the individual against the demands of the job.最重要的事就是将个人与工作要求相匹配。

the primary purpose of our service我们服务的首要目的

The primary aim of the treatment was to reduce suffering.这项治疗最主要目的在于减少痛苦。

The primary source of water in the region is the river.该地区的主要水源来自这条河。

2.(early)+ stage, tumour早期的;初期的

In the US 90 per cent of these cancers would be caught at the primary stage.在美国, 这些癌症中有90%都能在早期发现。

The source of the primary tumour remained unclear.早期肿瘤的病源尚不明确。


A man has a primary need to feel a woman's admiration.男人从根本山需要得到女人的赞赏。

primary accountancy初级会计学
5.(of primary education)+ pupil初等教育的

Ninety-nine per cent of primary pupils have experience of computers.99%的小学生都有计算机操作经验。

6.【动】+ flight feathers初级飞羽的

He is moulting at the moment and has no primary feathers.它目前正在换羽, 还没有长出初级飞羽。

7.【电】+ coil初级的;原的

Alternating current flows into the primary coil.交流电流入初级线圈。

8.【电】+ current流入原线圈电路的
9.【经】+ production, industry初级的;第一的

The extraction of oil, gas, coal and other minerals would be classified as primary production.石油、天然气、煤和其他矿物的开采属于初级生产。

Horticulture represents Queensland's largest primary industry.园艺代表着昆士兰最大的第一产业。

10.【化】+ organic compound连上一个碳原子的;一级的
11.【化】+ amine伯的;一级的
12.【化】+ salt一代的
13.【语言】+ derivative原形的;原始的

the primary derivatives原始派生词

14.【地质】+ magma原始的

the composition of a primary magma原始岩浆的构成

primary² /ˈpraɪmərɪ/ n.( 复primaries)
1.(most important person)居首位者;居于重要地位者

the detective who's the primary on the case在这起案件中发挥主导作用的侦探


These metastatic tumours are even more difficult to treat than the primaries.这些转移肿瘤要比早期肿瘤更难治疗。

3.<美>=primary election
4.<美>(party meeting)初选

She won the Democratic primary.她赢得了民主党的初选。

5.=primary colour
6.=primary feather
7.【电】(coil, winding, inductance, current)初级线圈(或绕组、电感、电流);原线圈(或绕组、电感、电流)
8.【天文】(celestial body)本行星;一等行星;主星

The sun is the primary of the earth.太阳是地球的主星。





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