

单词 a touch for sth
2.(small amount)+of substance一点点;少许;少量

Do you want cream?—Just a touch.你要奶油吗?——只要一点点。

3.(hint)+of irony, sarcasm, pride, humour一丝;一点儿

There was a touch of irony in his nickname.他的绰号有一丝讽刺的意味。

He replied, a touch of irritability in his tone.他作出了回答, 语气里透着一丝烦躁。

4.(small amount)+of knowledge, activity一些;一点儿

At university he wrote a bit, did a touch of acting, and indulged in internal college politics.在大学期间他写了点儿东西, 接触过一些表演, 并且热衷参与校内政治活动。


We were all a touch uneasy, I think.我觉得我们都稍稍有点儿不自在。

I found it a touch distasteful.我觉得它略微有点儿令人反感。


your senses (sight, sound, touch, taste and smell)你的感官(视觉、听觉、触觉、味觉以及嗅觉)

7.(influence)(显而易见的)作用, 影响
8.(stroke, mark)一笔;一画;笔触;勾勒

With a touch of his brush he captured the scene.他画笔一挥就再现了那个场景。

9.(style, manner)风格;方法;手法

The dishes he produces all have his unique touch.他做的菜都有他独特的风格。

The artist had a distinct touch.那位艺术家独具一格。

The striker was unable to find his scoring touch.那个前锋找不到进球的感觉。


Small touches such as flowers can be what gives a house its vitality.鲜花之类的小点缀可以给房子带来些生机。

11.(slight attack )(疾病等的)轻微侵袭, 小发作

She thought she had a touch of flu.她觉得自己有点儿感冒了。

a touch of bronchitis轻微支气管炎

12.a touch for sth
(specific ability)的特长;…的才能

The writer has a touch for terse, blue-collar dialogue.这位作家善于刻画蓝领工人简短生硬的对话。

13.【游戏-球类】(hit, kick)触球;击球;踢球

He scored with his first touch of the ball.他第一次触球就得分了。

14.<古>(official mark)(金属的)纯度印记
15.<古>(die stamp)(为金属加盖纯度印记的)印戳, 钢印
18.【音】(technique)(弹奏键盘乐器的)指法, 触键法
19.【音】(quality)(琴键的)弹性, 指触, 手感

The piano has a nice touch.这架钢琴手感很好。

20.(in bell-ringing)(敲奏编钟中)转调较少的钟乐
21.<非正式>(request)(靠耍花招提出的)借贷请求, 礼物讨要
22.<非正式>(loan, gift)耍花招弄到的钱

a touch of ten bucks耍花招搞到的十块钱

See touch




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