

单词 price
释义 price¹ /praɪs/ n.

They expected prices to rise.他们预计价格会上涨。

the price of petrol汽油价格

what is the price of sth?某物多少钱?

What's the price of a packet of cigarettes?一包香烟多少钱?

to go up in price价格上涨

Houses have gone up in price by about 10%.房价上涨了大约10%。

to rise in price价格上涨

Petrol has risen in price by about 10p a litre over the last year.汽油价格去年一年每升涨了10便士。

to come down in price价格下降

Computers haven't come down in price.电脑价格没有下降。

2.(non-monetary cost)代价
it's a small price to pay for sth这对于某事物来说是很小的代价

It's a small price to pay for freedom.为了自由, 这点代价不算什么。

to pay a high price for sth为了某事物付出很高代价

Slovenia will have to pay a high price for independence.为获得独立, 斯洛文尼亚将不得不付出巨大代价。

to pay the price for sth为某事付出代价

He's paying the price for working his body so hard.他因为使身体过度劳累而有些吃不消了。

a price to pay for sth为某事付出的代价

There may be a price to pay for such relentless activity, perhaps ill health or even divorce.这样没命地干可能要付出代价, 也许是健康受损, 甚至是离婚。

at a price以一定代价

He regained his freedom, but at a price.他重新获得了自由, 但也付出了代价。

at what price?以多大的代价?(表示认为得不偿失)

Yes, they are free of him, but at what price to themselves and their families?没错, 他们是摆脱了他, 但他们自己和家庭付出了多大的代价啊?

to come at a price(…的取得)是有代价的

Theismann's precious information came at a price, however.不过, 泰斯曼付出了代价才得到这些宝贵的信息。

Fame comes at a price.名望的得来是有代价的。

(come what may)不惜任何代价;无论如何

If they wanted a deal at any price, they would have to face the consequences.如果他们无论如何都想达成交易, 他们就得承担其后果。

We obviously want to see the hostages home, but not at any price.我们显然是希望人质能够回家的, 但并不是不惜任何代价。

3.a price on sb's head
(money offered as reward)缉拿某人的赏金

He remains at large despite the high price put on his head by the authorities.虽然当局悬赏重金缉拿, 他仍然逍遥法外。

There's a price on his head.有人出钱要他的脑袋。

4.=odds, 1
5.(cost of bribing sb)贿金
to name your price提出要求;提出条件

Stalin agreed to enter the Pacific war, but he named his price.斯大林同意参加太平洋战争, 但是提出了条件。

6.(high worth)(尤指非常高的)价值
beyond priceorwithout price无价

Her sensitive, generous response is a gift beyond price.她那体贴、大度的回应是一份无价的礼物。

you can't put a price on sth不能用金钱衡量某物

You can't put a price on friendship.友谊是无法用金钱来衡量的。

You can't put a price on the value of the work done by our nurses.我们护士工作的价值是无法用金钱衡量的。

the price of sb<爱尔兰>某人应付出的代价;(尤指)某人应得到的惩罚

It's just the price of him.他是罪有应得。

at a price以高价;花大价钱

Most goods are available, but at a price.大部分商品都有货, 但价格很高。

what price?可能吗?(表示认为可能性不大或很大)

What price he'll change his mind?他会改变想法, 可能吗?

price² /praɪs/ vt.
+ goods, service给…定价;给…标价

I always find it difficult to price a job.我发现给工作定价总是很难。

to price sth at sth将…定价为…

They will probably price the new line at around £200.他们可能会把新款产品的价格定在200英镑左右。

to be priced at sth标价是…

The least expensive will be priced at £7,000.最便宜的标价将为7,000英镑。

The book is priced at £8.99.那本书定价为8.99英镑。

Phrasal Verbsprice down,price out,price up




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