

单词 prevail
释义 prevail /prɪˈveɪl/ vi.
1.(in battle, contest, dispute)person +获胜;占优势;占上风

He appears to have the votes he needs to prevail.他似乎已经获得了取胜所需的选票。

2.common sense, opinion, proposal +取胜;获胜;占上风

In the end, common sense prevailed.最终还是常识占了上风。

Rick still believes that justice will prevail.里克仍然相信正义将会得到伸张。

3.(exist, be common)doctrine, situation +流行;盛行

Different doctrines prevail at different periods.不同时期盛行不同的教义。

A similar situation prevails in America.类似的情况在美国屡见不鲜。

4.(be prevalent)conditions, attitudes +普遍存在;占主流

the confusion which had prevailed at the time of the revolution革命时期普遍存在的混乱情况

Phrasal Verbsprevail on,prevail over




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