

单词 pretence
释义 pretencepretence <英> , pretense <美> /prɪˈtens/ n.

We have to go along with the pretence that things are getting better.我们不得不继续假装情况正在好转。

to make a pretence of doing sth假装做某事

Carter made a pretence of going out to work to hide the fact that he had been made redundant.卡特假装出去工作, 以掩盖他已经被解雇的事实。

Welland made a pretence of writing a note in his pad.韦兰假装在便笺簿上记笔记。

to abandon any pretence of sth放弃伪装某事

The industry has abandoned any pretence of restraint.该行业已经不再假装设定限制。

The government abandoned any pretence of reform.政府不再装模作样地进行改革。

pretence to sth对某事物的声称(或标榜)

Any pretence to democracy has gone.标榜民主的声音已经荡然无存。

The Liberal Party of Australia has now left any pretence to true liberalism far behind.如今, 澳大利亚自由党已经把曾经标榜的真正的自由主义抛到九霄云外。

pretence at sth对某事物的声称(或标榜)

Nor was there any pretence at naturalism.也没有标榜自然主义。

pretence at doing sth对做某事的声言(或标榜)

There was no pretence at making things decent.没人标榜能把事情做好。

to make no pretence to doing sth不自诩做某事;不自称做某事

He made no pretence to being a strategist.他从不自命为一位战略家。

on the pretence of doing sthorunder the pretence of doing sth以做某事为借口

He befriended women under the pretence of offering them jobs.他以介绍工作为名结交妇女。


She is devoid of all pretence.她一点也不做作。

5.to be a pretence

It had all been a pretence.一切都是假象。

See alsofalse pretences




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