

单词 prepare
释义 prepare /prɪˈpeə/
🄰 vt.
1.+ lesson, report准备

Margaret had a lecture to prepare for the following day.玛格丽特要准备第二天的讲座。

She has to prepare lessons in the evening.她不得不在晚上备课。

On average each report requires 1,000 hours to prepare.平均每篇报道需要准备1,000个小时。

to prepare sth for sth为…准备…

The bedroom needs preparing for Jenny's arrival.需要把卧室备好, 珍妮来了好住。

to prepare yourself使自己做好准备

The lessons that you learn are how you prepare yourselves as an organization.你们获得的教训是作为一个组织应如何做好准备。

+ shock, bad news为…做好思想准备

You'd better prepare yourself for how he's going to look. He won't be as you expect.你最好对他的长相有心理准备。他和你的预期会不一样。

+ visit, meeting, event为…做好准备

You can't prepare yourself for these things.这些事情你是防不胜防的。

His doctor had told him to prepare himself for surgery.他的医生告诉他做好动手术的准备。

2.+ food制作;制备

The vegetables can be prepared the day before.蔬菜可以提前一天准备好。

to prepare dinner准备晚餐

I was just preparing dinner when the phone rang.电话响的时候, 我正在准备晚餐。

3.(put together)配制;调制;制作

Two technicians were preparing a videotape recording of last week's programme.两个技术人员正在制作上周节目的录像带。

to prepare sth for sth为…装备…

The crew of the Iowa has been preparing the ship for departure.“艾奥瓦”号的船员一直在为起航装备船只。

🄱 vi.
(get ready)准备做某事

The people are preparing to vote in the elections.人们正在为参加选举投票做准备。

He had to go back to his hotel and prepare to catch a train.他不得不回到宾馆, 准备去赶火车。

Phrasal Verbprepare for




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